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Audience measurement

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Audience measurement measure ho# many people are in an audience, usually in
relation to radio listenership and television viewership, !ut also ne#spaper and
maga$ine readership, and increasingly, usage of #e!sites, to help !roadcasters and
advertisers determine who is listening, rather than %ust ho# many This !roader meaning
is called audience research
&easurements are !roken'do#n !y media market, #hich for the most part corresponds to
metropolitan areas, !oth large and small
( &ethods
o (( )iaries
o (* +lectronic
o (, -oft#are
* .e# media
, Ratings point
o ,( /RPs 0 TRPs
1 2riticisms
3 &easurement companies
4 .otes and references
[edit] Methods
[edit] Diaries
The diary #as the first and until recently the only method of recording information
5o#ever, this is prone to mistakes and forgetfulness, as #ell as su!%ectivity )ata is also
collected do#n to the level of listener opinion of individual songs, cross referenced
against their age, race, and economic status in listening sessions sponsored !y oldies and
mi6 formatted stations
[edit] lectronic
&ore recently, technology has !een used to track listening and vie#ing ha!its 7r!itron8s
Porta!le People &eter uses a microphone to pick up and record su!audi!le tones
em!edded in !roadcasts !y an encoder at each station or net#ork 9t has even !een used
to track in'store radio
[edit] !oftware
There are certain soft#are applications !eing developed to monitor ca!le T: operators
#ith full passive and permissive vie#er measurement functionality to monitor television
channel ratings The system tracks every time the channel is changed and records it
accordingly 9t allo#s #hat #as !eing vie#ed at the time and #hich channel the vie#er
changed to This information allo#s operators, !roadcasters and advertising media to
monitor audience T: usage ha!its
[edit] "ew media
.ielsen00.etRatings measures 9nternet and digital media audiences through a telephone
and 9nternet survey .ielsen ;u$$&etrics measures consumer'generated media <ther
companies collecting information on internet usage include com-core and 5it#ise, #ho
measure hits on internet pages 2ompanies like :isi!le &easures focus on measuring
specific types of media, in the case of :isi!le &easures, they measure online video
consumption and distri!ution across all video advertising and content Tru&edia,
=uividi, and 2ogno:ision provide real'time audience data including si$e, attention span
and demographics !y using video analytics technology to automatically detect, track and
classify vie#ers #atching digital displays .et#orked 9nsights measures online
audiences, and released a report ranking television sho#s !ased on people8s interactions
#ithin social media The study sho#ed that half of the sho#s on .et#orked 9nsights8 top
(> list did not appear on the .ielsen list
[edit] #atin$s point
Ratings point is a measure of vie#ership of a particular television program
<ne single television ratings point (Rtg or T:R) represents (? of vie#ers in the
surveyed area in a given minute 7s of *>>1, there are an estimated (>@4 million
television households in the "nited -tates Thus, a single national household ratings point
represents (?, or (,>@4,>>> households for the *>>1'>3 season When used for the
!roadcast of a program, the average rating across the duration of the sho# is typically
given Ratings points are often used for specific demographics rather than %ust
households Aor e6ample a ratings point among the key (B'1@ year olds demographic is
eCuivalent to (? of all (B'1@ year olds in the country
7 Rtg 0 T:R is different from a share point in that it is the percentage of all possi!le
vie#ers, #hile a share point is (? of all vie#ers #atching television at the time 5ence
the share of a !roadcast is often significantly higher than the rating, especially at times
#hen overall T: vie#ing is lo#
[edit] %#&s ' (#&s
/ross rating points (/RPs) or Target Rating Points (TRPs) are chiefly used to measure
the performance of T:'!ased advertising campaigns, and are the sum of the T:Rs of
each commercial spot #ithin the campaign 7n ad campaign might reCuire a certain
num!er of /RPs among a particular demographic across the duration of the campaign
The /RP of a campaign is eCual to the percentage of people #ho sa# any of the spots,
multiplied !y the average num!er of spots that these vie#ers sa# Targeted Rating Points
are a refinement of /RP8s to e6press the reach time freCuency of only the most likely
prospects Aor e6ample, if a campaign !uys (3> /RPs for a television spot, !ut only half
of that audience is actually in the market for the campaign8s product, then the TRP #ould
!e stated as D3 to calculate the net effective !uy E(F
[edit] Criticisms
)iary'!ased radio ratings in the "- may inflate listenership, !ecause it is only measured
in (3'minute increments Listening at any time during a Cuarter'hour counts as listening
for the entire duration, even if the actual time #as %ust for a song or t#o
The process of surveying listeners for their preferences has also !een criticised for its
lack of fle6i!ility Listeners complain that modern radio lacks variety and depth !ut the
measurement methods only facilitate further refinement of already minutely programmed
formats rather than the overhaul that many listeners are asking for Radio, particularly in
the "nited -tates, is #here listeners hear their old favorites rather than are e6posed to
ne# music )ata o!tained !y some audience measurement methods is detailed to
individual songs and ho# they are reacted to !y each age, racial, and economic group the
station is seeking to attract This statistical approach leads to highly recogni$a!le songs
(such as those from the ;eatles) #hich score #ell #ith a cross section of listeners
[edit] Measurement companies
&lease help improve this section )y e*pandin$ it. Aurther information might !e
found on the talk page (December 2007)
T.- currently measures T:, Radio and 9nternet audiences in over 1> countries
7/; .ielsen &edia Research currently measures T: 7udiences in *D countries
glo!ally using people meter technology in more than 3B,>>> homes
9n 7ustralia, television ratings are collected !y three main organi$ations <$T7&
serves metropolitan areas, Regional T7& serves regional areas serviced !y three
commercial net#orks, and .ielsen &edia Research 7ustralia handles for regional
areas serviced !y t#o commercial net#orks Ratings are collected over 1> #eeks
of the year, #ith a t#o'#eek !reak over +aster and (> #eeks over summer
9n 7rgentina, radio and television measurement is done !y 9!ope and 9nfortecnica
9n ;osnia and 5er$egovina, &areco 9nde6 ;osnia is the provider of T7& ratings
(T: &eters) This company also provides Radio G Print &easurement data
9n ;ra$il, 9;<P+ provides measurement services for T:
The provider of ;ulgarian T7& ratings is Taylor .elson -ofres T: PL7.H this
company uses T: meters
9n 2anada, .ielsen &edia Research measures T:, and 2ogno:ision -olutions
9nc provides measurement services for )igital -ignage
Ainnpanel measures !oth radio and T: in Ainland
9n 2$ech Repu!lic, television ratings are collected !y &ediaresearch
9n )enmark, radio measurement is handled !y T.- /allup
9n Arance, radio and television measurement is handled !y &IdiamItrie
9n 9ndia, television ratings are collected !y t#o main organi$ations ' T7& 9ndia
and 7udience &easurement 7nalytics Limited (a&ap) a&ap entered the market
in *>>3, #ith more coverage and latest technology from Telecontrol'-#it$erland
a&ap polls the meters (4>>> households) using /-& net#ork and provides
ratings overnight T7& 9ndia collects data manually (physical visits) and releases
data #eekly a&ap also has a stand'alone digital panel (a&ap)igital) to measure
T: vie#ing and 9nteractive engagement in )T5 homes
9n Japan :ideo Research handles radio and television measurement
9n Ja$akhstan, T: measurement is handled !y T.-
9n the Philippines, T.- Philippines monitors the ratings of 7;-'2;. G /&7
9n Pakistan T: audience measurement is done !y /allup ;R;
9n -lovakia T: audience measurement is done !y T.-
9n the "J, television measurement is handled !y the ;roadcasters8 7udience
Research ;oard via a metered panel and radio !y R7J7R, using a diary system
The .R- (.ational Readership -urvey) measures ne#spaper and maga$ine
9n the "nited -tates, T: measurement is done !y .ielsen &edia Research, radio
!y 7r!itron and digital signage !y Tru&edia
9n -pain, digital signage audience measurement is done !y aiTech radio and
television measurement is done !y 9nfortecnica
[edit] "otes and references
( + Aisher, &arc Something in the Air Random 5ouse pp *D(K*DD 9-;. @DB'>'
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