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Clase N

They are all nice people

Worksheet: verb to be
A.- Escriba la forma correcta del verbo to be, basado en el sujeto de la oracin. Luego,
traduzca cada oracin al espaol.

1.- I ______ 29 years old

2.- ______ my father and I from Brazil?
3.- The dog ______not black
4.- Karl and Dennis ______ not nice people
5.- My sister ______ afraid of spiders
6.- Tom ______ not very tall
7.- It ______ sunny today
8.- The posters ______ really interesting
9.- ______ I a bad student?
10.- She ______ a good friend
11.- ______ you from Chile?
12.- Some animals ______ very dangerous

B: Transforme las siguientes oraciones a su forma negativa e interrogativa. Luego,

1.-Good morning! Im Steve Johnson!
Neg: _________________________________________________________________

2.- Amanda and Adam are a very beautiful couple

Neg: _________________________________________________________________
3.- Richard is single
Neg: _________________________________________________________________
4.- The house is quite near the street
Neg: _________________________________________________________________
5.- Robots are far away from feelings
Neg: _________________________________________________________________

C: Inventa 5 oraciones practicando las distintas formas y conjugaciones del verbo tobe. Luego lalas
en voz alta.

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