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Current Affairs-2014

Current Affairs 2014; Important Questions and Techniques

By: Muhammad Ali Khan

Introductory Remarks:
That the paper of Current Affair has been a low scoring subject in past years of
CSS examination makes a sense when it comes to the point of its study pattern and
techniques. FPSC in one of its reports revealed that Majority of the candidates seemed
to depend on the guide books which showed their lack of in-depth study of National and
International Affairs whereas, some of the candidates performed well in MCQ part of the
paper and secured more than 70% marks. However, their knowledge and awareness on
the relevant issues was not good. Time management for answering each question was
not given due consideration. In this exam only three candidates could score sixty plus
marks for the year reported. (Emphasis mine)

In-depth study from related books, efficient time management, critical understanding of
the issues and writing in appropriate nomenclature shall yield good score in Current
Affairs paper. (Thanks heaven students at NOA, Islamabad, are blessed with Sir Fareed
Khan and Ms.Kanwal Naqvi as resource persons for the subject, whereas guidance and
knowledge are accredited with the both and first-hand experience & useful techniques
to attempt first-rate paper with the later.)

Major Portions and Important Questions

Studies of paper of Current Affair are divided in to four major portions; national
issues/crisis, international issues/crisis, diplomatic relations of Pakistan and important

Analysis of past three years papers reveled that four questions do appear from the

internal issues of Pakistan. Mastering in this area shall enable the candidates to score


organizations relevant to Pakistan, apart from multiple choice questions.

Current Affairs-2014

good marks, not only in paper of Current Affairs but also in exam of Pakistans Affairs,
too. Entirely within the realm of probability, a guess of questions from four important
areas for Current Affair 2014 is:
First, from internal/national issues, Role and functions of Democracy; its future and
Politics in Pakistan, Situation of Afghanistan after US Exist ,its security, political and
economic impacts on Pakistan and on the South Asia, Militancy, Sectarianism and its
effects, Issue of

Baluchistan its impacts and viable solutions, Local Governance,

Energy Vision of current government, Economic Self Reliance with special reference to
the issues of corruption , accountability , broadening of tax base & debt burden; Role
and need of free and fair media and its impact on society, Active role of judiciary and
evaluation of judicial activism are to enlist a few.

Second important area is of International Issues, here, Political turmoil of Arab World,
Situation of Egypt, Syria and whole Middle East, Economic Vision and future political,
economic and strategic role of China, Evaluation of Role of UN in contemporary world
are important topics to prepare.

Third, the diplomatic ties of Pakistan with China, Iran, US and Russia their significance
and future are important. India and Pakistan have consistently subjected Kashmiri
interests to their own national security agendas and silenced calls for greater autonomy.
A question shall appear to discuss the steps towards peace putting the Kashmir(is) first!

Last, surely not the least is the area of International and Regional Organizations. For
this, a comprehensive study on the worlds largest debating club (sic) United Nation is a
must. Whereas, about roaring Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Muslims
dominated Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), bailout famous European Union
(EU) and snail-swift South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is a

For all practical purposes my opinion and prophesies are second to Sir Fareed and Madam Kanwals. (emphasis)


must read.1

Current Affairs-2014

A pertinent question arise how to embark upon Current Affairs paper then?
Following approach shall help.
To study an organization a student must know, when the organization was established,
reasons and rationales behind its establishment, its core members and leadership,
objectives and vision of the organization, its achievements in the past, any parallel
organization to it, level and nature of the organization; like its a regional or international
organization, and is it an economic or a military alliance, its economic, political, geostrategic importance, its future, its important sessions and a indisputable SOWC
The catch in for foreign relations shall be time line / history of the relation, important
events, start of relations, long standing issues; making or breaking the relations, its
importance in National Interest of Pakistan (you must know that the life of this giant of
National Interest is encompassed in the nymphs of Kashmir Issue, Strong Nuclear
Program, seeking Veto-Favor at UN, Economic and Military Aid). Further, discussion
about balance of power in the region, importance of relations at state and society level
is a sine qua non of a question on diplomatic ties.

The punch points for a question on national and international issues are ; back ground
and nature of the issue, a brief historical view, why it is relevant to Pakistan, its
important stakeholders and their principle stance and Interests of the all major players,
current position, how the issue can be addressed and future of this issue possibility of
solution. To add on, gravity of the issue polices related with this and international
response and its effects are also important.

Scoring sixteen plus marks in MCQs shall help to reach a good total in the paper.


good current affair journal shall result in good score MCQs and in the paper too.

Reading daily, a good Urdu or English daily, PTV news at 21:00 hours and studying a

Current Affairs-2014

Concluding Remarks
The quid pro quo for seventy plus marks in the paper is reading from standard
books, in-depth study of national and international affairs and better time management
for answering each question and following the guide lines of the resource person. Lets
be faithful with the advice of our resource persons!


Best Wishes

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