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Ingredients for gulab jamun

625ml of flour
5ml of cardamom (elachi) powder
60ml of ghee
12 teaspoons of baking powder
50ml semolina
1 tin of condensed milk
Ghee for deep frying
Ingredients for syrup
500ml of water
250g of sugar
5ml of rose essence
Method for the gulab jamun
1.Sift all the dry ingredients together.
2.Add in the ghee and mix well until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
3.Gradually stir in the milk to form a soft dough.
4.Roll the dough into many elongated finger-like shapes.
5.Deep fry in ghee until golden brown in colour.
6.Place directly into syrup for a few minutes.
7.Drain onto a wire rack.
Optional: Roll the gulab jamoons into dessicated coconut or sugar.
Method for syrup
Boil the water and sugar together until a sticky consistency is reached.
Stir in the rose essence and keep the syrup warm.

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