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Green Forum on Climate Change

Speaker: Joe Mobbs - Todmorden Alternatiba

Tuesday 18 Nov. 7:30pm Hebden Bridge

Inspired by last years Bayonne Alternatiba (Climate Alternatives) Festival, Joe Mobbs
wants to encourage people to tackle climate change in the build up to the UN Conference
on climate change in December 2015.
This Conference of Parties (COP) is where governments try and agree global climate
reduction and adaption policies.
But UN-mandated climate change policies have come under increasing attack as
greenwash, since fossil fuel corporations have captured the COP policy making process.
What are we going to do to make sure that we (and the other political parties that are
electioneering to form the next UK government) know where we need to go and how were
going to get there, to make sure that climate justice solutions prevail at COP 21 in
December 2015?
Joe will talk about his call for "Alternatiba Todmorden", a festival of a "Village of
Possibilities for Tackling Climate Change" in 2015
More info here soon: &

At the Nutclough Tavern, 6-8 Nutclough, Keighley Road, Hebden Bridge,

HX7 8HA - All are welcome, free of charge, donations are welcome.
Promoted by Mark Mullany on behalf of Jenny Shepherd, Elizabeth King and Calderdale Green Party,
1, Post Office Buildings, Barkisland, Halifax HX4 0AL.

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