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Jack Parsons

Alternative Ending
Lennie and Georges feet clicked against the dried mud crushing the brittle leaves
below them. In the midst of it all, a green pond caught the attention of Lennies thirsty
mind and body. Lenny hurried in frenzy over to the shining pool where he cupped his
hands to gulp the water. While Lennie was gulping down the pools water, George filled
the Luger with a 9 millimeter bullet. Cocking back the handgun, George began to walk
over to the edge of the pond where Lennie was still inanely inhaling the pond water.
George sunk the gun into the back of Lennies skull like an angered war general,
nervously hanging on. His hand shook. Lennies head sprung back in disbelief, knocking
the gun from Georges already-loose grip. Struck with indignation, Lennie cried
yah dint have to do dis
its to put chya out of misery Len. Its for you George said
George picked the gun back up from the now moist dirt. The gun was pointed
back towards Lennies face.
George, I toll ya, jus gimme a chance here
Nervously clutching it, George remembered all the times he had with Lennie, and
he was reassured that if it werent for Lennie, he probably wouldnt have been there.
Alright Len. I throw dis gun, we book it. Len, you got jus one more chance.
George threw the Luger still loosely grasped in his hand into the glistening
midday pond. Taking off in a sprint, George felt completely bewildered. All of the past
events from the past few weeks all swirled into a giant blurry mess in his head. Lennie
soon took off in a wild sprint after George. Lennie came to a sudden halt to catch his
breath after running about fifty meters.
George, where in the hell are we going? Lennie asked
Len, were headed to the Gabilan Mountains. What we do there, I dunno George said in
an annoyed manner.
For the next hour, Lennie and George continued in a walking-running pattern.
Lennie made several more stops at various ponds for water. As night began to fall,
George and Lennie reached the foothills of the Gabilan Mountains. Many nights had been

Jack Parsons
spent like this for George and Lennie; Sleeping with just a blanket and the clothes on
their backs in the cold outdoors.
Ay Len, I stole me a few cigs and a lighter from Candy. I also stole me a few bites to
eat. Since yu aint dead, we gon share
Thanks George. You always got my back. Ya like a bruther Lennie said thankfully.
Lennie and George each smoked a cigarette, ate some food, and then fell into
slumber as coyotes yammered through the hollow, barren valleys of the Gabilans. The
harsh cold of the night stung their skin even when protected by a layer of warm blankets.
The next morning, crisp dew condensed on the precocious, blooming plants. Both
George and Lennie woke up with pure alacrity, still oblivious to what they were excited
It jus a beautiful morn huh? Lennie asked.
It is, but we gunna get to the 101 road tday George said
Lennie and George aspired to venture off into another state in search of a job in
the fields; perhaps finding another labor camp to work at. Although exited to move on,
George and Lennie missed having the company of Candy and Carlson.
Im jus missin Crooks. That poor bastard was treat like dirt. Lennie exclaimed
I agree Len. Quit longing for them fellas. We jus gotta move on
As the day progressed, George and Lennie did too. A special bond had formed
between George and Lennie while making this short yet long journey. Many of these
job-hopping journeys were made, however, this specific one differed from the others.
That whole day was spent working their way towards the freeway, but yet another night
had to be spent wrapped in thick wool in the cold outdoors.
That night, heavy rainfall littered the Gabilans. George and Lennie woke up with
sopping blankets to accompany wet clothes that would take ages to dry. George slipped
in the mud only to fall on a rock, later suffering a laceration on his hand. Finally that
day, George and Lennie reached the 101 highway. After waiting for 3 hours, a bus
carrying a throng migrant workers to Oregon came to pick Lennie and George up fed by
a cheap $3 ticket. When the driver pulled up, Lennie asked:
Twhere yall headed to?

Jack Parsons
The driver replied:
We headin up to farm country Oregon. They jus said there be a lot o camps up there.
Hop on.
George and Lennie hopped on the bus headed to Oregon. Three days later, after
snaking up California via the beautiful, rugged coastline, they reached Oregon. Lennie
and George were sent off to separate labor camps in two different towns. Deeply
distraught by the separation, George and Lennie managed to keep in touch, however the
communication faded after a few months.

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