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These are likely to be most obvious in physical rather than psychological form, though there
is sure to be great excitability, a tendency to run risks and to overwork, a love of hazard, and a
headlong precipitate disposition, combative, self-opinionated, often generous-hearted and wellmeaning, but without calm, poise, or impartial judgment.
In some cases the native espouses causes and has a conviction that he ought to lead
crusades and seek the reformation of everyone and everything (except perhaps himself); in other
cases the quarrel is more personal and is with individuals. One meets types who seem incapable of
agreeing to any statement: there is always a desire to contradict or at least to modify. It is said that it
takes two to make a quarrel, but people with this configuration sometimes seem as if, failing any
other antagonist, they would almost set one hand against the other. But, as with good contacts, this
predisposition is often expressed in mental form rather than physical, especially if the body is too frail
to encourage the latter. It is an influence which seems to force the native to fight something, and
even if he is a convinced pacifist he will be a militant one. In religion there is a love of military forms,
and the conception of being a soldier of God is a favourite one.

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