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Title of Lesson: Egg

Targeted Domain: Creativity

Learning Center: Art area

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 years

Goal: Children will learn the first stage of the life cycle of the butterfly.
Objective: children will create a leave with some eggs on it, that will
represent the first stage of the butterfly life cycle.
Transition plan: Sing with the children the song of The Butterfly
Procedure: Give each child a green construction paper with a leaf draw
On it for them to cut it out. 2. With a green marker the children can draw
the veins of the leaf. 3. Glue some rice to represent the eggs in the leaf.
Advanced Preparation: Draw the leaves in a green construction paper
for the children to cut.

Green construction paper

Developmental Benefits:
Physical: fine motor
Future Plans: Children will be creating their own flash cards of the life
cycle of the butterfly.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Caterpillar

Targeted Domain: Physical: fine Motor

Learning Center: Art Area

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 years

Goal: Children will learn the second stage of the life cycle of the
Objective: Children will create their own caterpillar.
Transition Plan: Read to the children The Very Hungry Caterpillar
By Eric Carle for a better understand of what the caterpillar does.
Procedure: 1. Give each child 3 green strips and one red strip.
2. Children should glue the one end of the strip to the other end forming
A bracelet. Same procedure for all the strips. 4. Glue the four strips
Bracelets together forming a caterpillar leave the red one in one side for
The head. 5. Draw a happy face and add antennas to the caterpillar.
Advanced Preparation: Cut the strips for the caterpillar body
List Materials:
Construction Paper (red, green)
Pipe cleaners
Developmental Benefits:
Future Plans: Children can draw a caterpillar.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Pupa

Targeted Domain: Physical: fine motor

Learning Center: Art area

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 years

Goal: Children will learn the third stage of the life cycle of the butterfly.
Objective: Children will create their own pupa with construction paper.
Transition Plan: Sing the finger play I am a little caterpillar
Procedure: 1. Give each child a half of brown construction paper and
Some newspaper. 2. Children will squeeze with their hand the newspaper
And place it in the middle of the brown construction paper. 3. Wrap the
brown paper with the newspaper inside like a candy and twists two ends.
Advanced Preparation: Cut the brown construction paper in half.
List Materials:
Construction paper (brown)
News paper
Developmental Benefits:
Future plans: Children will create a Butterfly life cycle book.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Butterfly

Targeted Domain: Creativity

Learning Center: Art area

Age of Child (ren) 3-4 years

Goal: Children will learn the fourth stage of the butterfly life cycle.
Objective: Children cut out and paint a butterfly.
Transition Plan: Read to the children the book Butterfly Butterfly
by: Petr Horacek
Procedure: 1. Children will began by cutting out the butterfly. 2. Then
They will sponge pain it with different colors.
Advanced Preparation: draw butterflies in different color construction
Paper for the children to cut out.

Multicolor construction paper
Different color liquid paint

Developmental Benefits:
Physical: small motor
Future Plans: Children will hang in a cloth hanger the four stages of the
Butterfly life cycle.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Metamorphosis

Targeted Domain: Creativity

Learning Center: Art area

Age of Child (ren) 4-5 years

Goal: Children Will learn the metamorphosis of the butterfly.

Objective: Children will create the four stages of the butterfly in a plate.
Transition Plan: Read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by:
Eric Carle
Procedure: 1.Give Each child a plate. Children can start by cutting four
Leafs out of green construction paper. 2. Then glue each leaf in the four
Sections of the paper plate. 3. Have the children glue 3 eggs on the top
Left leaf, the rotini pasta on the top right leaf, the shell pasta on the
Bottom right leaf, and the bowtie pasta on the bottom. 4. Give them the
Cut out of the stages for the children to glue them in the correct place.
Advanced Preparation: Write on the top of the plates with markers
Metamorphosis and print out the four stages of the butterfly life cycle
1.Egg 2.Catterpillar 3.Chrysalis 4.Butterfly
List Materials:
Paper plates
Rotini, shell, bowtie pasta, and white beans.
Glue and markers.
Developmental Benefits:
Physical: Fine Motor
Future Plans: Children will create a book of the

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

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