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Title of Lesson: Sock Puppet Butterfly

Targeted Domain: Physical; fine motor

Learning Center: Dramatic Play

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 years

Goal: Children will development their pretending skills.

Objective: Children will play with their sock puppet butterfly.
Transition plan: Read the book Butterfly Butterfly by; Petr
Procedure: 1. In this activity children will engage in conversation with
their classmates. Teacher start by asking question to the children for
example: what color is their butterfly sock puppet? What name did they
Give to it? 2. After engaging in a conversation let the children play with
their butterfly puppets.
Advanced Preparation: Children should already have made their
Butterflies puppets in a previous day.
List Materials:
Book Butterfly Butterfly
Butterfly puppet socks
Developmental Benefits:
Future Plans: Children can create a story about their butterfly

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Butterfly Wings

Targeted Domain: Social

Learning Center: Dramatic play area

Age of Child (ren) 2-3 years

Goal: Children will engage in pretending play

Objective: Children will pretend they are butterflies.
Transition Plan: Sing with the children the Butterfly color song
Procedure: Include at the dramatic play area some butterfly wings for
The children to wear and play pretending they are butterflies.
Advance Preparation: Buy some butterfly wing or create some with
the children.
List Materials:
Butterfly wings
Developmental Benefits:
Physical: fine & gross motor
Futures Plans: Children can dance to the rhythm of a butterfly song.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Butterfly Mask

Targeted Domain: Creative

Learning Center: Art Area

Age of Child (ren) 3-5 years

Goal: Children will learn how to do their own mask of butterfly.

Objective: Children will color and decorate their mask.
Transition Plan: sing with the children the song Fly Fly Butterfly
Procedure: 1.Give each children their mask and let them pain it
using markers or crayons. 2. Provide easy-stick glitter shapes for children
to decorate their masks.
Advanced preparation: Cut the butterfly masks for the children and
make the eyes holes. Punch some holes in the sides and insert some
ribbon through the holes, tie a knot and adjust to the size of the head.
List Materials:
Construction paper
Markers & Crayons
Easy-stick glitter shapes
Developmental Benefits:
Physical: fine motor
Future Plans:
Children can draw a story about a butterfly.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Butterfly draw in sand

Targeted Domain: Physical Fine motor

Learning Center: Water/Sand Area

Age of Child (ren) 4-5 years

Goal: Children will reinforce their fine motor skills.

Objective: Children will learn how to draw butterflies in the sand.
Transition Plan: Sing the song I am a Little Caterpillar
Procedure: 1. Add sand to the trays of each child. 2. Show a picture of
A butterfly to the children and ask them to draw a butterfly in the sand.
The children can practice several times drawing butterflies in the sand.
Advanced Preparation: Prepare enough trays and sand for each

Picture of a butterfly

Development Benefits:
Future Plans: Children can draw the life cycle of the butterfly; egg,
Caterpillar, pupa, and butterfly in the sand one at a time.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

Curriculum Plan
Title of Lesson: Treasure Hunt Butterflies Targeted Domain: Physical: fine motor
Learning Center: water/sand area
Age of Child (ren) 2-3 years

Goal: Children will learn how to look for hiding treasure in the sand
Objective: Children will dig and use a shovel to look for treasures.
Transition plan: Create a treasure hunt map for the children, that will
take them to the sand box where the treasure is.
Procedure: 1. Give the children some shovels to dig on the sand.
2. Let them began digging to find the butterflies. 3. Once the children
have found all the butterflies, they should categorize them by color.
Advanced Preparation: Hide different color butterflies in the sand

Different color plastic butterflies
Sand box

Developmental benefits:

Future Plans: Teacher can hide different insects but ask the children
only to find the butterflies.

Your Name: Heidi Gonzalez

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