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Book Report

Each section below should be completed and put together

in one package to hand in.

1) Cover Page: Title, Author, Illustrator, Your Name, Due

Date, Class Number, Class Section
2) Chapter Summaries: 3-5 Sentences summarizing
each chapter. If you are reading a book with lots of
short chapters, show your teacher and they will decide
how many chapters should be included in each
3) Setting: Describe the time when the book took place,
describe the setting or settings where the book took
place. Include information that appeals to the five
senses if possible.
4) Plot: Describe the main idea of the story and how the
characters are affected by the events.
5) Characters: Describe the main characters and their
roles in the story
6) Solution: Explain the conflict/issue in the story and
how it was resolved.
7) Climax: Explain what occurred to lead to the climax in
the book and what happened during the climax.
8) Mid Novel Prediction: Find the page that is half way
through your novel. After reading to this point, write a
paragraph describing what you think will happen in the
9) How was your prediction accurate or inaccurate?

**All sections should be completed in paragraph

form. If you are not familiar with any terms used
above, use the dictionary to define the words you
do not understand.**

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