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Written by
Ornella Fox

Expressionism is a very peaceful and
passionate religion. It is very different to
other religions. Expressionism is
followed by almost all dancers, actors
and people who love the spotlight. This
religion has many major beliefs, sacred
places, special celebrations and laws
and rules for behavior.

Major Beliefs
Expressionism has many different major
beliefs. One of the main beliefs is to
pray to their god once a day.
Expressionisms god is called Drama
God. They believe that she created the
land, water and the animals. Another
major belief is that everyone is different
to others and is unique in their own way.
Many also believe that punishment isnt
fair and everyone should be equal.

Sacred Places
Expressionism is different to other
religions in many different ways but one
of the biggest differences is their sacred
place. Their sacred place is the stage.
There is a special theatre in each city
that the people go to, once there they
pray to Drama God.
These special theatres are a beautiful
turquoise colour on the outside with
stained-glass windows on the inside.
Also inside, there is a colossal stage
that is plain brown with red curtains.

Special Ceremonies
This religion has three main
All of them are different to each other.
1: The Birthday of Drama God. This
ceremony is one that celebrates the
birth of there god. Its how they show
2: Christmas. They use this celebration
to remember there family. At the time
everyone exchanges gifts to show love.

Laws and Rules for


Expressionisms rules and laws are

There are a set of rules and laws called
Our Way. There are 5 of them and each
must be taken seriously.
1: Do not lie.
2: Do not kill.
3: Do not take drugs.
4: Try your hardest.
5:Be a good person.

Expressionism really is one of the best
religions. Everyone can be a part of it
so you should too. Everyone always is a
part by just believing, believing who you
want to be. Being who you are and
staying true to yourself. If thats who you
want to be then this religion is for you!

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