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*SET 3


There are four suggested writing activities based on these pictures. Read the instructions of
each activity and answer the question accordingly. The step-by-step approach will help you to
enhance your writing.

school - trip Pulau Langkawi bus jetty

- ferry

hotel - luggage beach swimming


snorkelling exotic fishes corals - souvenirs

Number the paragraphs in the correct sequence according to the pictures to form an interesting
story about a trip to an island.

It took about two hours to reach the Kuala Kedah jetty. They bought the tickets at the
counter and got into the ferry. During the ferry ride, all of them enjoyed the cool sea
breeze and the beautiful scenery around them.
The next day, after breakfast, they gathered at the lobby. The tour guide told them
that there was a speed boat waiting to take them for island- hopping. They would be
snorkeling in the sea. It was fun when they saw exotic fishes under the sea with
beautiful and colourful corals. It was a thrilling and enjoyable experience for them.
On the third day, it was time to go home. With a heavy heart, they packed
their belongings. They managed to buy some key-chains at the nearby gift shops as
souvenirs for their friends . It was a memorable holiday for them.
During the school holidays, Andys school organised a trip to Pulau Langkawi. Andy
and his friends were so eager to be in the legendary island. It was a three-day and
two-night trip. About forty pupils and four teachers went for the trip. All the pupils
waited patiently for the bus at the school compound early in the morning. They
brought along their swimming suits and waterproof cameras. Soon the bus arrived.
They boarded the bus excitedly.
When they reached the island, there was a bus waiting for them at the jetty. They got
onto the bus which took them to Sandy Beach Resort at Pantai Chenang. They were
welcomed by the hotel staff and tour guides. They were also given welcoming drinks
and snacks.
After that, they went into their rooms to put their luggage. Then, they went sightseeing before reaching the Chenang Beach. The beach was beautiful and the water
was crystal clear. Andy shouted excitedly and jumped into the sea with his friends.
They swam joyfully and went kayaking together too. They had a whale of time at the

Rewrite the story in the correct sequence.

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