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Stay Free!

You have been delivered! Praise Jesus! The process to get you free is the process to stay
free. What the ministers did for you, you can do for yourself. You have Jesus authority
over your demons. Luke 9:1, Psalm 91, Mark 16
Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks. If you open the door He will come in.
This also applies to demons, if you dont open the door they cannot come in.
1 Jn 5:18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten
of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
You are now the Gate Keeper again! All doors have been shut and locked!
To be the best Gate Keeper you can be, submit yourself to Gods mercy and
grace everyday.
Jude 24 Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you
faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy

6 Ways demons will knock on your door

1 Satan is the Father of Lies Just because you hear a statement in your head with
an I in front of it, doesnt make it your thought! I think the deliverance was fake
Im not free We never left on and on and on.
Know the Word of God, combat with Truth. Submit the lie to the Father. Rebuke it.
2 Satan is the Accuser of the Brethren, demons will Condemn you. You dont
deserve to be free You failed last time God doesnt love you Gods grace ran out
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk
not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1, 37 We are more than conquerors
through Him that loved us.
3 Intimidation, you may have an evil dream tonight, or feel an evil presence, or
power manifestation.
Rebuke the demon in Jesus name Remind the demon that you are an ambassador and
child of the Most High Tell the demon that it encourages you because you must be on
the right track to get this much attention Start praising and worshipping Jesus in the
midst of the attack!
4 Temptation by old habits. You are free, and now have a choice to sin, before you
didnt have much of a choice. The demonic strategy is to go back to what worked before
in your life. You may have to give up old friends as well. Find strong Christians.

Be smart, stay away and abstain, dont toe the line Flee at the very sight. Submit
temptation to God, Submit the very thought to God right away.
5 Manipulation of Feelings, your feelings rarely align themselves with the Truth of
God. Your feelings can be manipulated, you may feel depressed, different from others,
like you dont fit in, or feelings that you struggled with before. Like anger which the
demon will use to lie to you. See you still have anger, you were never delivered.
Dont believe the lie or the feelings. Submit them to God. Tell your Father how you are
feeling; remind yourself who you are in Christ. God is still on the throne!
6 Manipulation of Body, same as #5. You may have been delivered of a disease or
ailment. The demon will come back and will re-activate the pain or feelings of that
ailment. It hopes you will doubt the deliverance again, and will believe the lie. If you
do, you will accept that demon back into your life!
Stand in the truth, rebuke the pain or feeling. You were delivered.
Jesus Christ paid for your peace and your healing,
Isaiah 53:5 -- But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our
iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are
Final Thoughts
You will be tired, what happened was deep and emotional, give yourself some grace.
Let the dust settle, you may not see the extent of your freedom until after a few days.
You may be attacked tonight, dont be surprised. God = victorious, demons = defeated
You have had demons your whole life, deliverance got you back to even, now you have
a choice for holiness, to hear Gods voice finally, to dive as deep as you want!!!
We are always pressing into His presence and leaving the world behind. God will
complete the work in you. There will be more deliverance and freedom the closer we
get to Him.
Demons know who you are in the spiritual realm, if you have a high calling, you may
have more demons. Take it as a compliment!
If you need a follow-up or check-up session, dont hesitate to ask.
Just because the demons are gone, you still need to renew your mind by the Word!
Forgive quickly!
Confess and repent quickly!
Do not engage in territorial warfare.
After confession.If I let a demon through because of this sin, you now have no legal
right, it is under the Blood of the Lamb. I command that you clean up your mess and
gather up your kingdom. In the name of Jesus Christ I sever you from me and
command that you come up and out and straight into the abyss! Go now!

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