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Note: Follow this format EXACTLY.

Everything in BOLD must appear exactly as is on

your outline. Information in the parenthesis should be figured out and written by you.
Name: Macy Ferguson
Period 8
Date 11/9/14
All the World Needs Now is L.O.V.E.
Kou Manao Speech Outline
A. Attention-Getter Quote-(write out completely in paragraph form)
Id like to start us off with a quote from Diana Ross: All the world needs now is love, sweet love.
Its the only thing that theres just too little of.
B. Transition - Link to Thesis (write out your link from attention-getter to your thesis
Some people bring others down to make his/herself feel more superior, but they never really
think about the consequences that come with it.
C. Thesis Statement (write out as a complete sentence.)
Bullying in school has become a serious problem and we need to put a stop to it.
D. Preview of Points- (should be exactly the same as Main Points 1, 2, 3 and Review of
Today Ill cover three things. First, what bullying is; second, why we need to end it; and third,
what we can do to prevent it.
E. Transition: Signpost (write out as a complete sentence.)
Now lets move on to my first point
A. Main Point 1 (Consider the question: What are you discussing today? Background
Information of your choice about your topic. Use a complete sentence.)
There are many types of bullying and we have not yet accepted a single definition of it.
a. Subpoint 1- (write out as a complete sentence.)
Some types of bullying are physical, verbal, cyber, and even hidden. Examples of physical
bullying are punching or shoving someone. Verbal bullying is name-calling and other verbal
abuse. They can be direct or indirect. Cyber bullying is harassment behind a screen. It could be
a phone or a laptop. Examples of hidden bullying are spreading rumors about someone or
making faces. All these have negative effects on people and lots of people have come to the
conclusion that it needs to be stopped.
1. Statistic (write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
According to the Equality Hawaii Foundation survey, about 1 in 5 high school students in Hawaii
said they have been bullied on school property within the last 12 months. (Essoyan)
b. Subpoint 2- (write out as a complete sentence.)
There is no specific definition of bullying, but it can be noticed in a given scenario.
1. Narrative -(write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
The beginning of an article called Bullying is on the Rise tells a story of how a mother realized

that her daughter was getting bullied. It was a big day for Jill Jones daughter- her first day of
school. She was a self-conscious 10-year-old girl that just wanted to fit in. She sat with the
popular, who she thought liked her, when they poured ketchup on her white capris and teased
her for getting her period (Tyre).
c. Transition: Review-Preview-(write out as a complete sentence.)
Now that we have a good idea on what bullying is, lets move on to my next point: what the
effects are.
B. Main Point 2 (Consider the question: Why should we hear about this topic? Use a
complete sentence).
Bullying comes with many consequences.
a. Subpoint 1- (write out as a complete sentence.)
Although some people manage to just brush it off, others take bullying very personally.
1. Examples- (write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
Some examples are depression, poor academic performance, and sometimes even suicide.
(Bullying). When someone gets bullied, they tend to feel more insecure about themselves. It
starts to seem like everyone is talking about them and that thought fills their brain with a bunch
of other negative thoughts. It does that to the point where they can no longer think about
anything else and their focus is broken.
b. Subpoint 2- (write out as a complete sentence.)
Bullying has become such an issue that it has been compared to an epidemic.
1. Comparisons -(write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
The subtitle of the Bulling is on the Rise article was The Bullying Epidemic. In this article,
bullying is compared to a spreading disease and it talks about how critical the outcome of
bullying is. (Tyre).
c. Transition: Internal Summary- (write out as a complete
Since some affects of bullying are depression and suicide, lets talk about solutions.
C. Main Point 3 (Consider the question: What is your solution/recommendation know
that weve learned about your topic? Write out your Main Point as a complete sentence.)
I believe that we can solve this issue with love- L.O.V.E. L is for learning. The most substantial
way to stop bullying is to educate everyone on the topic. O is for observing. If we are able to see
when someone is being bullied, we can immediately put a stop to it. V is for vocalize. This is the
next step after observing. We wont be able to help someone by just watching, we need to use
our voices to be heard. E is for enhance. Once we learn how to prevent bullying, we are able to
develop a better community where everyone feels safe and secure.
a. Subpoint 1- (write out as a complete sentence.)
Many people are standing up against bullying. Many states even passed anti-bullying laws.
1. Fact- (write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
States across the country began passing anti-bullying laws and by 2014, every state but
Montana had enacted one. (Bullying.).
b. Subpoint 2- (write out as a complete sentence.)
Other efforts to stop bullying also led to bullying prevention programs.
1. Testimony -(write out completely in paragraph form) (Parenthetical Citation)
Who said it? Schools with prevention programs enable the students to report on bullying with

greater facility than at schools that dont have those programs (Nurenburg, 6).
c. Transition: Sign post-(write out as a complete sentence.)
Now lets move on to my conclusion.
A. Restate Thesis -(write out as a complete sentence.)
Bullying in school has become a serious problem and we need to put a stop to it.
B. Review of Points (should be exactly the same as Main Points 1, 2, 3 and Peview of
Today I covered three things. First, what bullying is; second, why we need to end it; and third,
what we can do to prevent it.
C. Closing Statement Quote -(write out completely in paragraph form)
Id like to leave you off with a quote: All the world needs now is L.O.V.E.
Works Cited
Tyre, Peg. "Bullying Is on the Rise." Has Child Behavior Worsened? Ed. Amy Francis. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press, 2014. At Issue. Rpt. from "Too Cruel for School: The Rise of
Bullying." Family Circle (1 Oct. 2012). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Nov.
Essoyan, Susan. "Most Voters Say Bullying Needs Attention, Poll Finds." Honolulu Star
AdvertiserMay 23 2014. ProQuest. Web. 10 Nov. 2014 .
Bullying. Issues & Controversies. Infobase Learning, 31 Oct. 2014. Web. 7 Nov. 2014.
Nurenberg, David. "The Power Of Positive Affinity Groups: A "Sci-Fi" Solution To Bullying."
American Secondary Education 42.3 (2014): 5-17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7
Nov. 2014.

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