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Lesson Plan #3

Subject/Topic: (3rd Grade): Homophones

Rationale: I am teaching this lesson because students need to be able to know they
difference between words and use them in the correct context.
RL.3.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.
Objectives: Students will be able to differentiate between homophones by identifying
their meanings.
Power point
Smart board
Homophones flashcards
Engagement/Anticipatory Set:
To begin the lesson, I will introduce to the students the activity on homophones.
After, the power point on homophones will be presented on the smart board. First I will
ask if anyone can tell the class,
What is a homophone?
The second slide on the power point will have a definition on what a homophone is.
Following will be two examples in which two students will be given the chance to come
up to use the smart board.
Im going to need two volunteers to come up to the board and help me with my
Each student will draw a line from the word to the picture that means the same thing.
After each group will work together to match the words and pictures that are given to
Mentor Teach and Model:
After the volunteered students and myself model the activity on the smart board
the students will be given their homophone words and pictures. I will explain to the class
to separate the words from the pictures and give each group a good mix.
Once you receive you homophone words and pictures, I need some on the group
to separate the words from the pictures and give each pile a good mix. After this I
am going to have your group work together to show which word means each
picture because Ive been having trouble with my homophones lately. I want you
to keep in mind while completing this what words you had some trouble with as

The group as a whole will work on one word at a time and set the matched pair to the
side. Once the student are finished, they will pick two word they had some trouble
identifying the means of and write a sentence for each that can show they now understand

Guided Practice
As an example I will show the students on the smart board two examples of
common misused homophones. Each student in the group will have the chance share with
the group what words they know and their meanings. After sharing with the class the two
examples and know what is expected of them, the groups will begin to work together to
complete the activity.

Independent Application:
As the group is working, I will check in one by one to assess their work. When I
walk around I will stop and talking one on one with the students. I will look at their work
so far and see if students are able to explain to me what the word means and can use it in
a sentence. While the students are working on their sentences, I will ask for them to
elaborate more to make sure they understand the difference between the words.

After the group has finished their writing and I will ask for three more volunteers
to share their sentences with the class.
Can I have some read out loud to the class one of their sentences for me? [After]
Thank you for all sharing your sentences. After going around to each group I
know everyones sentences are great and now know the difference between the
homophone words. Before we pack-up to leave to go home can someone tell me
why it is important to know the differences between the homophones?
Once the students are finished answering my closure sentence, I will then have each
group prepare for going home.
Throughout this mini lesson I will be assessing the students work as they
complete this assignment. When the students are working on their sentences I will be able
to assess their sentence. After reviewing their work, the students in the group that needs a
little more work will be pulled to the side to review his or her work and go over anything
they do not understand.
Make copies of the words and picture for the student(s) who needs a copy.
Larger font and pictures could be arranged.

Allow students to talk and share their ideas for the sentences with their group
before completing the writing portion of the assignment.
Student(s) who need more time with the writing assignment will be able to bring
it home to complete and the following day the student(s) will meet with me to go
over their finish work.

Computers will be available for student(s) if they need to type their work.
Talking one on one to the student(s) will be available explain their thoughts.

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