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Safety Health Ordinance and Regulations

Labour Department, Fire service department..etc
Provide safety system of work, make arrangements to ensure safety in use, handling and storage of
plants/substance, provide info/instruction, training, supervision to ensure safety of employee, maintain
workplace condition & means of access to and egress workplace safe, provide safe working environment
OSHA Hazard Communication Program: workers understand hazards they may be exposed & understand
how to adequately protect themselves
OSHA Chemical Hygiene Plan: Develop SOP for using lab chemicals that describe the hazards & what
measures to protect them

Engineering control for Laboratory Safety
Elimination of hazardous techniques, process, material
Substitution of less hazard technique for more hazard one
Segregation of ppl from hazard
Enclose hazard
Ventilate workplace & source of contaminants
Repair/replace faulty equipment/machinery
Administrative control: Plan ahead, dont underestimate risks, minimize exposure, be prepared for

Dangerous Goods classification:
Class 4: Flammable solid; 5: Oxidizer; 6: toxic substance; 7: radioactive
8: corrosive; 9: miscellaneous

Elements: Chemical Inventory + MSDS + container Labels + Training + SOP
Assessment + Self inspection
Physical Hazard: flammability, reactivity, explosivity, corrosivity

Waste Chemicals: lab director plan waste disposal before starting any project; label waste promptly &
properly, must specified identified for disposal purpose; dont mix chemical waste; limit excess chemical by
reduce, reuse, recycle, reclaim, treat, destroy, dispose
Storage of chemical waste: properly labeled, in a suitable area before collection, close to generation site,
away from incompatible waste, in area w/ proper warning panel/notice
Surface decontamination, Inner parts (Gas) decontamination
Steam sterilization, Dry heat sterilization
Chemical emergency: get away, alert others, get help, seal area off, dont clean if not trained

BSC Level I: agents not known to cause disease

Level II: agents associated w/ human disease

Level III: exotic agents associated w/ human disease & potential for aerosol


Level IV: dangerous agent of life threating nature

Biological Spill
Hold breath & leave lab immediately no enter lab for at least 30 mins
Wear PPE to protect eyes & mucous membranes decontaminate spills (BSL2/BSL3)

Risk assessment
Identify all hazardous materials, consult MSDS, evaluate BSL & type of toxicity
Consider possible route of exposure Evaluate quantitative info on toxicity, select appropriate procedures
to minimize exposure, prepare contingencies

Modes of transmission: Airborne, Droplets, Contact, Blood borne

Percutaneous Injuries: Sharp box
Cutaneous Injuries: Gloves when handle blood & body fluids, wash hands
Mucosal exposures: Goggles
Droplets: Wear N95
Airborne: Wear mask (N95), negative pressure room with doors closed

PPE: respiratory equipment, garments, barrier materials protecting rescuers & medical personnel from
exposure to biological, chemical & radioactive hazard which is poisonous, irritating, corrosive, carcinogenic
or protect from hearing loss from excessive noise levels
Other protective clothing: safety shoes, boots, apron, coveralls, full body suitx
Common route of exposure: inhalation, skin contact, ingestion

Ergonmics: science of designing a job, equipment & workplace to suit workers needs, with ultimate goals
of making them safe, comfortable and efficient and avoiding adverse health effects.
DSE: Display screen equipment prolong use pain and discomfort in upper limbs, tired eyes, muscle
fatigue, mental stress
DSE user: work at computer for total average of 6 hours />1/3 daily
MHO: Mind your back
Compressed Gas-Cat 2 hazard:
Chemical properties of gas, Physical hazards
Gas cylinders: heavy, high pressure, left standing alone unsupported, damage valve, jet away like missiles

Safety: follow guidelines, secured at all times at fixed location, secured individually, cylinder cart
Centrifuge: safety cups, disinfect weekly & after all spills/breakage, lubricate O rings & rotor threads, dont
use rotor that have been dropped, contact centrifuge rep for specific information
Fire: evacuate, alert others, close doors to confine fire & smoke, evacuate through nearest safe exit, no
elevators, move away from building, dont return until all clear announced
Electrical conductors: water, metal, human body
Personal injury: fire, radiological spill
Risk management:
Top management set policy, allocate resource; supervisor implement policy, training workers strict &
rigorous attention to details of procedures and practices & report incidents & exposures

Quality Control in Haematology

Standards: known constitution for calibration/reference purpose
Controls: identical w/ sample being tested; monitor precision/ assess variance from true value in inter-lab
trials <unstated value>
Accuracy: degree of agreement of individual/average value with standard/ref
Precision: degree of agreement among individual on same sample; Precision characterized as SD of errors
of measurement
Random error: inconsistent & unpredictable error; from lack of control in measurement e.g. wrong sample,
transcription errors, clots, sample carry-over, lipaemic, agglutination, hemolysis

Prevented by retest every sample after re-identification
1. Further examination samples (undetected clots/lipid/hemolysis)
2. Duplicate testing of random samples (taking several measures w/ control samples @ fixed intervals of
<30 samples; compare immediately to ensure no random error developed>
3. Confirm by related investigations (from expertise)
4. Comparison w/ previous results (delta check from computer storage within 72h)

check against previous patient result test CV & physiological variation

Systemic error: consistent, predictable, results with trend (error of method/operation/instrument)

Quality control procedures
1. Using control samples (twice)
2. Determine confidence limits (20 determinations on same sample)
see distribution is normal and calculate SD
25-donor pool <secondary standards> include in every assay
act as proficiency test of individuals assess accuracy & precision
5-donor pool <screening test only> not secondary assay standard
3. Presentation & Assessment of control data (LJ chart w/ +-2SD CI) under control
4. Cusum technique; mean subtracted from control result plot (w/ + or - sign)
5. Two-sampled/Youden plot
6. Daily/Batch means
7. Use of modal values (instead of mean); more stable and not affected by abnormal results
8. Use of samples from previous day / previous batch <retest>
From method error/operation error/instrument related error
Coefficient of variation (CV)= SD/mean * 100
Weighted mean=trim data recalculated mean
Deviation index=Test result-mean/SD
IQC=laboratory in-house QC procedure using ref & control preparation of statistical data from patients
test result
EQA=objective evaluation by external agency; under direction of professional colleagues of performance

by a # of lab on material supplied for specific tests

local/regional/national/international; disadv: delay results
Aims of QC: ensure all procedures carried out w/ highest level of accuracy & reliability

General approach to QC

Control charts includes
-Test in duplicate check precision & detect random errors
<not detect incorrect calibration & insensitive to gradual drift>
-Work batch include control in normal & abnormal range
-Control chart include mean, upper & lower confidence limit (+/- 2 SD)
-Batch # of control sample
-Date of each analysis, time taken for test & results

Results includes:
-Values for normal & abnormal controls
-Test values
-Ref range for lab
-Comment on significance of results
-Date & time of receipt of sample & date of analysis
-Signature by scientist/medical technologist

EQAP (Proficiency Trials); International quality control & standardization
-relate & compare results from lab w/ others
-improve reliability & test accuracy
-identify unsatisfactory performance
-achieve high standard of performance over extended period
Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS)

Scope of Accreditation: Formal & precise statement of the activities which the laboratory is accredited for
HKAS medical programme
P lab = directed by Pathologist
S Lab = directed by Biomedical Scientist
Lab director must be full-time staff
HKAS 002: Regulations for Lab Accreditation
HOKLAS 015: Technical Criteria for Lab Accreditation
Reference Range
1. Select analyte, methodology, instrumentation use for testing. Study what already known about the

analyte that might cause inter individual variation.

2. Define reference population; consider whether separate reference range should be established e.g.
Adult VS children
3. Choose a sampling method that yields a random sample of individual representing the reference
4. Collect, process, test the specimen
5. Analyze results: Organize data, Eliminate outliers (Largest/Smallest Neighbor/Largest-Smallest >1/3),
Descriptive statistics (mean/median/mode/skewness/kurtosis), Select method for calculation e.g.
parametric (minimum 30 result; mean +- 2 SD) or non-parametric (%)
6. Verification of Established Reference Range (20 individuals)
If 2 or fewer result fall outside claimed ref range verified

Sensitivity: proportion of diseased correctly classified by test; detect TP
Specificity: proportion of healthy subject correctly classified; e.g. detect TN

Sensitivity: TP/TP+FN %
Specificity: TN/TN+FP%

+ve Predictive Value: Fraction of correct +ve test results: TP/TP+FP%
-ve Predictive Value: Proportion of correct ve test result: TN/TN+FN%
Prevalence: fraction of population having disease: TP+FN/TP+FN+TN+FP

4. Management requirements
4.1. Organization & Management
(authority, resources, no pressure) O chart
Quality Manager: ensure consistency, quality & technical validity of lab results;
Maintain quality manual & operation documentation, monitor lab practice to verify continuing
compliance w/ documented policies, ensure equipment calibration & maintenance done per schedule,
selection, training & evaluation of internal auditors, schedule & coordination of internal audits &
management review
4.2. Quality Management System: document polices & procedures communicated, available,
understood & implemented + QC, QC, EQAP, PT; depends on size of lab, staff #, range, vol of tests
Quality Manual: quality manual describe labs quality system; shall be developed as a working
document for use by lab staff, not check list for presentation to lab assessors
Include quality policy & objectives, documentation structure, policies, procedures & roles, scope of test
4.3. Document Control <review annually>
must have title, date of issue, page #, total # of page, issue authorities, source identification
4.4. Review of request & contracts
4.5. Examination by referral laboratories
4.6. External services and supplies (verify & validated before use)
4.7. Advisory Services (advice client on choice of examination & interpret results)
4.8. Resolution of complaints
4.9 Identification & control of Nonconformities
e.g. Out QC, complains, calibration, consumable defect, audits
4.10 Corrective action (investigate to determine root cause P.A)

Process of preventing recurrence of prob/mistake

4.11. Preventive Action (Pro-active)

Process of preventing occurrence of prob/improvement

4.12. Continual improvement (Quality indicator e.g. TAT, education, training)

4.13. Quality & technical records (Legible, Authentic, Reliable, Integral)
4.14. Internal audits (at least once annually/ every 12m)
4.15. Management review (once every 12 m)

5. Technical Requirements
5.1. Personnel; Approved Signatories
5.2. Accommodation & environment; Health, Safety, Manual Handling Operations
5.3. Laboratory equipment; Instruments, Ref materials, Consumables, Reagents, Analytical Systems;
test Bias, Reproducibility (diff lab comparison), Repeatability (same person), Stability, Linearity, Drift

Function well, accurate, calibrated, checked before using, environmentally friendly

5.4. Pre-examination Procedure; consistent, reproducible, traceable, efficacious
Sample collection, sample labeling, sample storage and packaging ,sample transport
Sample receipt, Sample logged, Secondary samples for multiple test, Sample storage
5.5 Examination procedures; SOP w/ purpose of test, sample specifications, principle, performance
specifications, reagents and equipment, interferences, calibration, safety, interpretation, variability
5.6. Assuring quality of examination procedures (QC, Uncertainty, Calibration)
QC: testing system that focus on detecting quality problems by monitoring outcomes of process
Provide info on uncertainty & assess staff competence
Process control: system for controlling processes and outcomes so variability/uncertainty is reduced as
much as possible e.g. Westgard
Uncertainty attributes: Material suppliers, Equipment, Process/Techniques, Environment, Personnel,
Information, Patient/Client, Physical Damage/Contamination, Microbial Contamination, Result
(Accuracy, Precision, Efficiency, Confidentiality)
Evaluate uncertainty in Preanalytical, analytical, postanalytical, intra-individual effect from biological
5.7. Post-examination process (review results periodically, storage & disposal of samples)
5.8. Reporting of results; Clear, unambiguous, Objective, Include info required by clinician/patients,
ISO15189, Method
Annexes B: LIS
Annexes C: Ethics
Major changes in 2007 & 2012 version
More user-friendly, subheadings, deleted/amended & added new definitions, Ethics under
Management requirements; Lab director; Service agreements 4.4.1
Section 5; Procedures Process
New section 5.9 Release of results; 5.10 LIS

Quality System: Organizational management, Training, Documentation, Assessment, Standards
Good Laboratory Practice: Man, Machine, Materials, Methods, Environment, Information, Monitoring
& Measuring
Good Quality Cycle: Plan, Implmenet+/- Change, Control, Assess, Improve
Quality Standard Compliance Triangle: Documentation, Training, Audit QMS
Certification body: assess quality system conform to standard certificate
Accreditation body: official organization appointed by national gov check certification bodies
competent to award certificates
Standard: document established by consensus & approved by recognized body common & repeated

Plan Do Check Act

Plan: Identification of processes criteria & methods
Do: Implementation of the planning
Check: Measurement & Analysis
Act: Implementation of improvement
Scope of Accreditation: Anatomical Pathology, Chemical Pathology, Clinical microbiology & infection,
hematology, immunology
QMS: Quality Manual, Staff Manual, Purchasing Manual, Safety Manual, Operation procedure manual,
Equipment maintenance & Calibration record, Sample collection manual, test procedure manual,
internal audits schedule & reports, proficiency testing results
Balance (recal every 3 yrs)
Incubators (cal every 6m)

Westgard Multirules
Control rules for interpreting control data; Objective is to obtain high probability of error detection and
low frequency of false rejection of runs.
High detection error from selecting rules sensitive to random & systemic errors
Daily QC: 1 3s, 2 2s, 10x

1 2s Detect systemic error <warning>;
1 3s detect random error <reject>
2 2s Detect systemic error <reject>
R 4s detect random error <reject>
4 1s Detect systemic error <reject>
10 x Detect systemic error <reject>

Hold back patient results check instrument settings, reagents, standards, device repeat run w/
fresh QC & reagents if out again check methodology & instrumentation refer to i/c
call service & take contingency measures keep log

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