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Technical Skills (Breath, Intonation, Rhythmic Accuracy, and Diction)

An understanding of the functions of ties and how to accurately execute tied

rhythms. They will need to also be able to execute dotted rhythms. Proper vowel shapes
will be needed to unify vowels and also create a richer tone. Proper breath support will
be needed for longer phrases. Common with many negro spirituals, the text is written in
the dialect of African-American slaves. Special attention will be given to make sure
singers pronounce the unique words accurately.
Musical Concepts (Minor Tonality, Vocal Range, Harmony)
The music is written in a minor key. Many members of choir may be unfamiliar
with singing in a minor key. There are some challenging low notes for basses and high
notes for sopranos. Several times the piece features parts in SSA, so singers will have
to be confident of their note in the chord.

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