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Dear Patriot,

Barack Obama just tore up the U.S. Constitution and granted amnesty to millions
of illegal aliens.
We are now facing a grave Constitutional crisis. Barack Obama is completely out of
Our ONLY hope to stop him is to force Congress to DEFUND Barack Obama's ability
to issue legal immigrant green cards. But we must move fast.

Please make an urgent generous contribution of

$15, $25, $50, or whatever you possibly can afford right away.
The Tea Party must demand action from Washington. We must flood Congress with
our demands to stop Obama. We must be prepared to march if they do not listen.
This is an emergency.
Our closest allies, like Senator Mike Lee from Utah, have been formulating a plan to
strike back if Obama took this unprecedented action.
He's going to try to ban Obama from spending any money to implement this amnesty.
He's going to try to prevent the White House from printing and distributing the
documents the illegal aliens need if Obama's scheme is going to work.
However, this is going to be a brutal, brutal battle. And our allies like Senator
Lee need all the Tea Party help they can get.
Please make the very best donation you can today.
Obama's actions are not only unconstitutional; they are dangerous.
Millions and millions more illegal aliens will now come pouring across the border.
They understand that Obama will grant them amnesty, too. Some will bring diseases
and all will demand welfare benefits we can't afford.
It's even been suggested that some of them might be terrorists if not terrorist
We must stand up and fight right now.
Our legislative team is right now meeting with our conservative allies on Capitol Hill.

They are promising that Tea Party volunteers will come out of the woodwork to help
stop Obama's Executive Amnesty.
So, now we must make good on that promise.
We need to set up phone banks so people can easily call every member of Congress.
We need to run ads. We need to hold rallies and media events.
We must run a full-scale, no-holds barred national campaign to defund Obama's illegal
amnesty order.
We may even need to gather once again in Washington, D.C.
However, we can't do any of this without your help. Please, give whatever you
can right now.
If we don't stop Obama now, just imagine all the other illegal executive orders he
could issue over the next two years!

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