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When my Amy met Jorge in elementary school, he immediately caught her eye. He was a
shy guy, but he asked her to go out with him. They went steady for two years, but after they
graduated from primary school, they decided to called it a day and never see each other again. It
was nothing but puppy love, or at least, that was what they thought.
During his first year of college, Jorge fancied one of his classmates and had a crush on her.
In fact, he had eyes only for her. One day, he decided to introduce himself. When they
pronounced their names, immediately recognized each other. She was the girl he had fallen for
many years ago.
They were over the moon. It was a big coincidence to find each other after so many years.
They have been dating since then. They're so lovey- dovey that no one can stand at them, but
right now, they get on like a house on fire. They definitely had fallen in love. They are thinking
about tying the knot soon, but everybody knows what they say: Marry in haste, repent at

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