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MA 433 topics

Root Finding (Equation solving numerically) ~1.5 weeks

Linear Systems of Equations / Assc. Topics ~ 4 weeks <Good notes research applications>
Interpolation (boring graph shit / Regressions) ~ 1 week
Quadrature (numerical integration) ~2 weeks
ODEs ~2.5 weeks
because as we all know 11 = 10
Root Finding:
Main methods of finding f(x) = 0
let f(x) = x^3 x +1
f(-2) = -5
f(0) = 1
f((-2+0)/2) = 1 = f(-1)
continue until the root is determined.
K=0 compute ck = ak+bk/2
f(x), E
get [Ao,Bo] (initial bracket)
k = 0, Ck = (Ak+Bk)/2
compute f(Ck)
if(f(Ck)f(Ak) == 0)
B_k = Ck
else A_k = Ck
if (B_k A_k < 2E)
return Ck
k = k+1
With runtime (loop-count) k > ln( (bo-ao)/2E) / ln(2)
linear calculation change (no longer guaranteed):
utilize Ck as the intercept of line Ak Bk and continue.
Secant Method
project a line through a and b to solve for when it reaches 0 noting that Ck will be ( af(b)
bf(a) ) / (f(b)-f(a) )
Then throw a away and take b and c as the new points
Bisection Slow and guaranteed after finding a bracket
Secant Faster but occasionally crashes, burns, and fails to converge
Newton Fast may not converge
Newton method.
Utilize the tangents at the two points to get a new set of bounds, the intercepts, each time
to narrow the bounds

Fixed point iteration

x_k+1 = g(Xk)
if alpha satisfies alpha = g(alpha) it is a fixed point.

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