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Homework Re-write Policy

MA 436 Fall 2014

Resubmissions: You will have to opportunity to resubmit graded work to
receive credit for correcting your solutions You must have submitted an honest attempt at the problem initially to be able to resubmit for credit.
1. You can resubmit a maximum of three corrected problems from previous homework assignments each week and make up a maximum of half
the missed points.
2. The resubmissions need to be on a separate sheet of paper stapled to
your original homework and due before the exam.
3. The resubmission must be stapled to the original HW you turned in.
4. Your resubmission will start with a one to two paragraph reflection on
what you corrected. In this reflection you should address the following
major themes:
i. what you got wrong on the problems youre rewriting and why you
got them wrong.
ii. what youve learned by correcting these errors.
iii. how you plan to avoid making these (or similar) mistakes again.

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