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Grade 11/12 French Immersion
Mlanie Kathryn Lawlor

EDUC 4433 : Assessment




Mlanie Lawlor

March 19, 2014

Table of Contents
Unit Overview and Outcomes ......................................................................................4

Assessment and Evaluation Plan ..................................................................................6
Assessment Calendar ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Assessment Descriptions ....................................................................................................................................... 7

Big Ideas ...................................................................................................................8

Formative Assessment .................................................................................................9

Formative Assessment 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Formative Assessment 2 .....................................................................................................................................10
Formative Assessment 3 .....................................................................................................................................10
Formative Assessment 4 .....................................................................................................................................11

Summative Assessment ............................................................................................. 11
Summative Assessment 1 ....................................................................................................................................11
Summative Assessment 2 ....................................................................................................................................13
Adaptation for Summative Assessment 2 ...............................................................................................13
Summative Assessment 3 ....................................................................................................................................18

Unit : Posie et Hip Hop ; Franais Immersion 11/12

Cette unit analysera la posie travers du Hip Hop et le Rap en franais, et visant
principalement sur les franais venus dailleurs. Cette unit comprendra 3 leons, et
le tout finira avec un Coffee House o les tudiants pourront partager leurs

Leon 1 Introduction limmigration franaise et ses racines
Leon 2 Analyse dune chanson biographique
Leon 3 Le slam et le spoken word

Rsultats dapprentissage
Par la fin de leon 2
Llve devrait tre capable de
- identifie les valeurs implicites dans
reconnatre et de respecter les diversits
des uvres provenant de diverses
communauts culturelles, surtout
celles de la francophonie
- relve certaines faons de sexprimer
qui refltent la culture de
- ragit de faon critique un texte ou
une situation en confrontant ses
ides celles mises par lauteur
- donne des raisons ou des
explications pour certaines
diffrences culturelles constates

Llve devrait tre capable de
- dgage les images voques dans
dmontrer sa comprhension dune
lunivers potique et relve les
gamme de textes pour satisfaire ses
passages qui expliquent cette
besoins selon la situation de
- explique et justifie son opinion et sa
raction face un texte
- analyse le point de vue de lauteur
Llve devrait tre capable dcrire
et de reprsenter pour satisfaire ses
besoins selon la situation de

Llve devrait tre capable de
planifier et de grer ses productions en
appliquant des stratgies selon ses
besoins et selon la situation de

- rdige des textes argumentatifs et

analytiques en respectant les
caractristiques propres ces
- justifie le choix de dtails prcis sur
les personnes, les lieux et les
vnements dans ses textes
- utilise correctement lorthographe
- utilise correctement les lments de
syntaxe appropris
- utilise correctement les lments
dorthographe grammaticale

Par la fin de leon 3
Llve devrait tre capable de
sexprimer pour satisfaire ses besoins
selon la situation de communication


Llve devrait tre capable dcrire
et de reprsenter pour satisfaire ses
besoins selon la situation de

exprime ses sentiments, ses

opinions face une srie
prsente clairement ses ides, ses
sentiments, ses gots et ses
examine limportance de
communiquer non verbalement
laide du contact visuel, de gestes,
dexpressions faciales appropries
dmontre de loriginalit dans ses
ralisations en prsentant des
perspectives inhabituelles
justifie ses choix, ses perceptions
et ses opinions dans une varit de
utilise la voix comme instrument en
changeant le ton, lintensit, la
hauteur, le rythme pour attirer
lattention, renforcer le message,
maintenir lintrt ou rehausser le
utilise des lments dramatiques,
humoristiques ou de suspens selon
la situation
choisit et prsente des
informations en utilisant des
expressions et un vocabulaire
prcis et spcialis relis au sujet
choisit le registre de langue
appropri la situation de
utilise des expressions et un
vocabulaire prcis et spcialis
pour prsenter des informations
sur un sujet
juge de lefficacit de jouer avec le
sens des mots afin damuser, de
distraire ou de faire rire
utilise correctement lorthographe
utilise correctement les lments
de syntaxe appropris
utilise correctement les lments
dorthographe grammaticale
adapte le contenu et le style de son
texte en fonction de son intention
et du public vis

Assessment and Evaluation Plan

F: Observations

Day 2

F: Collect Discussion Questions

F: Observations

Day 3

Day 9

F: Movie Re-cap

F: Observations

Day 4

F: Formative, S: Summative

F: Discussion

Day 8

F: Observations

Day 7

F: Group Conference

F: Observations

Day 1

Day 6

F: Observations

Day 5

F: Observations

F: Group discussion

S: Cause/Effect Sheet

Day 10

S: Song Analysis

Day 15

F: Group conferences

S: Coffee House pt 2

F: Observations

Day 14

S: Sticky-Note Feedback

F: Student check-ins

Day 13
F: Student check-ins

S: Coffee House

F: Observations

Day 12
F: Observations
F: In-class questions

S: Sticky-Note Feedback

S: In-class questions

Day 11
F: Observations



Assessment and Evaluation Plan

Everyday Assessment
Observations will be done each class to see who is catching on, who is engaged, and
who is doing the work.

Discussions will be done in class to see how students understand the topic and for
them to be able to share their thoughts, opinions, and understandings with others.

In-Class Questions will be posed daily to check understanding. Students who
answer more complex questions or who explain concepts at a higher level (ie.
Making connections, making inferences) will receive a playing card, or a bravo.
These bravos can be collected over the year and added on a test as 1% at any point
in the course.

Student Check-Ins will be done consistently to see how students are progressing
through their work. These will be done more frequently when students are working
on their unit tasks, i.e. in weeks 2 and 3.

Formative Assessment
Day 3: I will Collect Discussion Questions, which are part of the activity booklet in
which students are consistently taking notes and answering comprehension
questions. The comprehension questions are in relation to the previous lessons on
French immigration, through an article and a presentation. The discussion questions
at the end of the booklet will be read but not marked, to see how students are
understanding and making inferences.
Day 4: Students will do a movie-recap as a group to put together the ideas seen in
the movie the previous class before moving on to the second half of the movie
Days 8, 9: As student work on their song analysis task, I will meet in separate
groups with students for group conferences based on song choice so that we can
share findings and ideas about their songs, answer common questions as a group,
and I can see how they are progressing through the project.

Summative Assessment
Day 5: A Cause/Effect Sheet, a graphic organizer, will be used to determine how
students understand why people choose to immigrate to France and what effects
that has socially, economically, politically, etc. This graphic organizer will be marked
out of 6. (3 causes and 3 effects)
Day 10: Song analyses will be due this day as the summative assessment for the
unit. These written assignments will be market with a rubric out of 20.
Days 14, 15: Coffee House will be these days and students will be presenting their
poetry productions to the class. Presentations and written copies will be marked
with a rubric out of 20. Students will give peer-feedback with the use of sticky-
notes on the board.

Big Ideas from the Unit

Student will know.

Students will
The francophone
Why people immigrate
regions in Africa
to France
The cities in France
What effects
with high immigration
immigration has on
and racism
society, politics, and the
The youth riots in 2005
verlan, HLM, and
Why the youth rioted in
other new vocabulary
2005, and what factors
in the unit
lead up to that event.
The steps of analysing a Why Hip Hop is a
means of expression for
The differences
French Immigrants of
between traditional
lower class
and slam poetry

Students will be able to

Summarize an article
Analyse maps, graphs,
and charts to find
Analyse a hip hop song
for meaning, and
cultural background of
the author
Discuss issues
surrounding French
immigration, hip hop,
slam poetry
Write an analysis of a
Create and present a
piece of poetry

Formative Assessment 1
In-Class Questions

Why ?
Posing questions throughout the lesson is a simple and quick way to see how
students are taking in and processing the information as we move from one
activity/idea to the next. This method of formative assessment touches on all of the
big ideas, depending on what kind of question I ask and how. The simplest form of
questioning is a pre-check question when I ask students if theyve seen a similar
idea before and what it could mean. A concept check question checks knowledge
learned before to see if they are paying attention in class and are following the
lesson. Explanation questions check for understanding, and linking questions check
for a deeper understanding of the topic and how it relates to other ideas seen in

During class, I will ask questions, both open and to specific students, while Im
teaching. Questions will be consistent throughout the lesson as well as after each
activity as a segue to the next activity. When students answer a question, I will
provide specific feedback on their answers and ideas, making sure to encourage
student participation and reward thoughtful answers by pointing out what makes
them so. Feedback such as, no, thats incorrect will rarely be heard, but may sound
something more like, Could you explain how you came to that idea? so that I may
pinpoint the issue and clear any misconceptions or misunderstandings.

Students who give a particularly developed answer showing a higher level of
understanding, such as making inferences, linking ideas to other courses/units, or
creating a new concept using the topic will receive a bravo in the form of a playing
card. These cards are reserved for answers the teacher deems higher level, with
consideration that some students higher levels may be different than others.
Students may exchange their bravos as 1% on an assignment or test within the
unit, providing an extra incentive to take risks and make thoughtful comments in


Formative Assessment 2
Collect Discussion Questions

The discussion questions at the end of the student booklet for the lesson are more
developed and sum up the lesson nicely. I want to know how many students have
understood the lesson on immigration before we move on to the next lesson on Hip
Hop because its important to know the background factors that influence the
creation of Hip Hop music and lyrics in order to analyse songs.

In their booklets that go with this unit, the students take notes and answer
comprehension questions based on the article, the lesson, and the video about the
youth riots in 2005. At the end of the booklet, there is a section with discussion
questions that the students will hand in to me at the end of the class. I will not give
them a mark, but I will write comments on the page, providing descriptive feedback
on their answers. Students who have not show they understand the lesson or hold
misconceptions will be encouraged to come talk to me so I can explain the concepts
in a different way, if necessary.

Activity C: Questions de discussion
1. Quels sont des problmes et avantage de limmigration franaise?
2. Est-ce que tu penses que ltat franais a une obligation ou une responsabilit
de soccuper et prendre soin des gens venus dailleurs?
3. Quels liens peut-on faire entre limmigration, les HLM, la pauvret, et le
racisme en France?

Formative Assessment 3
Movie Re-cap

As the movie takes possibly 2 classes to finish, it will be important to do a summary
of the part seen in the previous class before continuing the second part. The movie
is also of a more advanced level that what the students are used to, which is also
why its important to stop the movie at various intervals and talk about what
happened. I want to know how many students understood the documentary last
class as well as take this opportunity to use a review as an introductory activity for
the class.

The movie, a French documentary on the youth riots in 2005, is separated into parts
that correspond to the parts in the graphic organizer in the students booklets. As
they would have taken notes last class, we can put our notes together to re-create
the part of the movie seen in the last class


Formative Assessment 4
Group Conferences

As students are working independently on their song analyses, I want to be able to
see how they are progressing. I would also like for student to be able to share some
of their ideas of interesting findings in the lyrics and artists biographies as well as
answer common questions as efficiently as possible. I need to be able to provide
feedback and check on progress before they submit their analyses in order to help
them in the editing process and address any issues before they arise.

In the middle of the song analysis project, students will be grouped based on song
choice, and I will meet with a whole group at a time. Students will start by sharing
some of their findings with each other. I will ask some questions based on the rubric
to see how they are progressing with some of the key ideas of the task. Then, I will
open the floor for questions from students about the song, vocabulary, ideas, etc. I
hope to be able to address many common questions all at once. When students
share their ideas, I will provide feedback by giving suggestions on how to develop
their ideas into more concrete ones, and how to incorporate those into their written

Summative Assessment 1
Cause and Effect Graphic Organiser

At this point in the lesson, I want to check how student are understanding the lesson
on immigration before moving on to the next lesson on hip hop. This graphic
organiser is a simple way to see how students have understood why people choose
to immigrate as well as the effects that has on various sectors. Ive chosen a graphic
organiser because its a simple visual where students only have to choose 3 causes
and 3 effects, leaving the question open for students to show their learning. This
allows for a maximum of opportunity from students to show what theyve learned
as well as for me to identify trends in answers.

Students will fill out the cause and effects graphic organiser at the end of the class.
I will collect them and mark them out of 6 points, 1 point for each answer. There is
the possibility of half marks if the students are on the right track but their ideas are
not fully developed. They can also receive half marks if their ideas are good but their
grammar and vocabulary is not accurate. I will provide feedback with a mark,
commenting on which ideas are well developed and which ones need more
information, are repeated, or represent misunderstandings.



Summative Assessment 2
Written Analysis of a Biographical Hip Hop Song

As the outcomes in this unit pertain to literacy, culture, writing for accuracy, and
interpretation, have the students do a written analysis of a hip hop song nicely sums
up the lesson. I want to be able to assess students written level of French as well as
their ability to interpret a text for meaning, making links with the cultural aspects
seen throughout the lesson. As the students have access to computers on a daily
basis, writing a song analysis is a good method of summing up the lesson before
moving on to the next lesson on slam poetry and poetry production. Analysing a
song will also let students become familiar with Hip Hop and French biographical
poems, letting them see examples of productions before starting to write their own
poems and raps.

The task, along with its rubric, will be given to the students on the first day of the
unit along with a brief explanation of the unit lessons and when the tasks are due.
The song analysis task and its expectations will be reviewed on the first day of
lesson 2 in more detail. Throughout lesson 2, student will have time in class to work
on their song analyses. Students who need help will be constantly encouraged to
come talk to me and I will make myself available for editing purposes outside of
class time if necessary. Students will hand in their song analyses, and I will mark
them out of 20 using a rubric. I will also provide specific written feedback on things
theyve done well as well as a few key things they can improve upon in their future
written work.

Adaptation for a student with childhood arthritis
Because the task is of a written nature, which can be difficult for a student with
childhood arthritis, we would look at changing the medium of the task. Students
with childhood arthritis have difficulties writing and working on a task for long
periods of time due to pain experienced. In this case, we could look at a couple
adaptations. Firstly, we could keep the same rubric and include the use of speech-to-
text technology, where the student would speak the text and it would be written
down on an Ipad.
One common adaptation for students with childhood arthritis is to limit the amount
of proof needed to reach an outcome. Therefore, another adaptation would be to
change the rubric by eliminating the written component and adapting it into an
interview-style assessment. There will always be another time to assess written
work, and we can still hit many outcomes with an interview. The student will have
access to the song and the lyrics from home and on his/her technological device so
that he/she can continue working even when missing a lot of school. The student
could use speech-to-text to take notes in preparation of the interview, without
having to write the analysis. During the interview, I will use the rubric to mark their
ideas and comprehension of the song. I will provide specific feedback afterwards.

Tche dunit 1 : Analyse dune chanson biographique

Choisir une des chansons suivantes pour analyser :

Keny Arkana Victoria
Youssoupha Ma Destine
Fabe a fait partie de mon pass
Roc On shabitue
Sexion Dassaut Africain

crire une rdaction de 500 mots, minimum, qui analyse une des chansons. Dans la
rdaction, inclure les aspects suivants :

Partie 1
- Donne une description du personnage, son caractre, son pass, sa culture, et
ses valeurs en utilisant et interprtant les paroles de la chanson et son
langage / ses expressions. Justifie en utilisant des citations directes et de la
recherche sur lartiste.

Partie 2
- Donne des raisons ou explications pour certaines diffrences culturelles

Partie 3
- Analyse le point de vue de lartiste sur les problmes de quartier
- Explique et justifie ton opinion sur la chanson

Noublie pas de
- Utilise correctement lorthographe et la grammaire selon la situation
- Inclure une bibliographie

Llve devrait
tre capable de
reconnatre et
de respecter les

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs sont
expliqus dune
faon claire et
Excellent !
La vue de
Llve devrait
tre capable de lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
dmontrer sa
comprhension chanson, et les
dun texte pour images et
passages /
satisfaire ses
paroles sont trs
besoins selon
bien interprts
la situation de
communication et expliqus.

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs sont
expliqus dune
faon claire et
La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles sont bien
interprts et

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs ont
besoin de plus

La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles sont
presque bien
interprts et
expliqus, mais il
y a une manque
Le texte est crit
Le texte est crit
Le texte est crit
Llve devrait
dune faon
dune faon
dune faon
tre capable
analytique et les
analytique et les
dcrire et de
choix de dtails
choix de dtails
analytique et les
sur le
sur le
choix de dtails
pour satisfaire
personnage, les
personnage, les
sur le
ses besoins
lieux, et les
lieux, et les
personnage, les
selon la
vnements sont vnements sont lieux, et les
situation de
vnements ne
communication trs bien justifis. bien justifis.
sont pas assez
Lorthographe, les Lorthographe, les Il y a plusieurs
Llve devrait
lments de
tre capable de lments de
syntaxe, et
syntaxe, et
planifier et de
dlments de
grer ses
la grammaire
la grammaire
syntaxe, et
productions en
sont trs bien
sont bien utiliss. dorthographe de
appliquant des
la grammaire.
stratgies selon utiliss.
ses besoins et
selon la
situation de

Forte manque de
descriptions du
personnage, son
caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs.

La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles ne sont
pas assez

Le texte nest pas

crit dune faon
analytique et les
choix de dtails
sur le
personnage, les
lieux, et les
vnements ne
sont pas justifis.
Les fautes
dorthographe et
de grammaire
empchent la
du texte.

Tche dunit 1 : Analyse dune chanson biographique


Choisir une des chansons suivantes pour analyser :

Keny Arkana Victoria
Youssoupha Ma Destine
Fabe a fait partie de mon pass
Roc On shabitue
Sexion Dassaut Africain

Prpare une interview qui analyse une des chansons. Dans linterview, inclure les
aspects suivants :

Partie 1
- Donne une description du personnage, son caractre, son pass, sa culture, et
ses valeurs en utilisant et interprtant les paroles de la chanson et son
langage / ses expressions. Justifie en utilisant des citations directes et de la
recherche sur lartiste.

Partie 2
- Donne des raisons ou explications pour certaines diffrences culturelles

Partie 3
- Analyse le point de vue de lartiste sur les problmes de quartier
- Explique et justifie ton opinion sur la chanson

Noublie pas de
- Utilise correctement lorthographe et la grammaire selon la situation
- Inclure une bibliographie

Llve devrait
tre capable de
reconnatre et
de respecter les

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs sont
expliqus dune
faon claire et
Excellent !
La vue de
Llve devrait
tre capable de lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
dmontrer sa
comprhension chanson, et les
dun texte pour images et
passages /
satisfaire ses
paroles sont trs
besoins selon
bien interprts
la situation de
communication et expliqus.

Llve devrait
tre capable de
planifier et de
grer ses
productions en
appliquant des
stratgies selon
ses besoins et
selon la
situation de

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs sont
expliqus dune
faon claire et
La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles sont bien
interprts et

Les descriptions
du personnage,
son caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs ont
besoin de plus

La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles sont
presque bien
interprts et
expliqus, mais il
y a une manque
Lorthographe, les Lorthographe, les Il y a plusieurs
lments de
lments de
syntaxe, et
syntaxe, et
lorthographe de
lorthographe de
dlments de
la grammaire
la grammaire
syntaxe, et
sont trs bien
sont bien utiliss. dorthographe de
la grammaire.

Forte manque de
descriptions du
personnage, son
caractre, son
pass, sa culture,
son langage, et
ses valeurs.

La vue de
lauteur, ton
opinion sur la
chanson, et les
images et
passages /
paroles ne sont
pas assez

Les fautes
dorthographe et
de grammaire
empchent la
du texte.

Summative Assessment 3
Creation of a Poetry Piece

Creating a piece of poetry serves many purposes. Firstly, it meets the outcomes of
written as well as presentation/communication that pertain to culture and artistic
representation. It provides students with many different options of creativity while
adhering to the outcomes of oral communication. Another reason for getting
students to create an autobiographical piece of poetry is to get to know them better.
In French Immersion, students are usually in the same class since Kindergarten, and
they know each other well. In this situation, the teacher is usually the odd person
out and we must get to know them quickly. Giving them a new and different way to
express themselves makes this perhaps redundant task (for them) a whole new and
exciting experience. The students are focusing more on the mode of communication
and using skills seen in class to express themselves in a new way. I have also chosen
to do a poetry presentation piece as a summative assessment because it is different
than the written assignment and allows different students to shine and have their 3
minutes of focused and appreciative attention.

The task, along with its rubric, will be given to the students on the first day of the
unit along with a brief explanation of the unit lessons and when the tasks are due.
The poetry production task and its expectations will be reviewed on the first day of
lesson 3 in more detail. Each day during the lesson, we will look at a different way
students can choose to create their presentations, such as slam poetry, a rapped
news broadcast, etc. as well as techniques for rhyming and creating interesting
phrases. Students will have time every day to work on their poetry tasks in class and
I will constantly be offering assistance and feedback on their progress. Students are
encouraged to come talk to me with questions and to help them edit their work. On
the last two classes of the unit, we will have a Coffee House where students will
share their poems. I will mark their written work as well as their presentation with
a rubric out of 20 points. I will provide specific feedback on their rubrics, making
sure to encourage personal sharing and my appreciation of their taking risks and
letting me get to know them better. Students will peer-assess by using sticky-notes.
After every person has presented, while I am taking notes on their presentation,
their peers will be writing a sticky note with (anonymous, optional) positive
feedback. The names of students will be on the board, and students will post the
sticky notes on the board next to the name of the person who has presented. This
will provide students with something to keep them on task while I am busy as well
as provide feedback and positive encouragement for students who have taken risks
in front of their peers.

Tche 2 : Production de posie

Crer un des prochains pour prsenter la classe, lors de notre Coffee House :
- un rap biographique, autobiographique, ou autre
- un pome de spoken word ou de Slam
- un programme de nouvelles rapp

Les mdiums possibles :
- prsentation devant la classe
- vido
- film stop-motion
- film de doodle anim
- podcast ou dossier audio

1. La prsentation doit tre entre 2 et 3 minutes
2. La prsentation doit comprendre au moins ta voix
3. La prsentation doit tre accompagne par une version crite du texte





Utilise trs bien la
voix selon la
situation, utilise des
humoristique, ou de
suspens, et choisit le
registre de langue
Les sentiments,
opinions, et gouts
sont trs clairs,
justifis et originaux
avec un vocabulaire
prcis et spcialis.

Utilise bien la
voix selon la
situation, utilise
des lments
humoristique, ou
de suspens, et
choisit le registre
de langue
Les sentiments,
opinions, et gouts
sont clairs,
justifis et
originaux avec un
prcis et
Utilise de diverses
Utilise des
expressions et joue
expressions et
avec le sens des
joue avec le sens
mots dune faon
des mots dune
potique et adapte
faon potique et
trs bien le style
adapte bien le
pour laudience. Trs style pour
Pas de fautes de
Peu de fautes de
orthographe, ni de
orthographe, ou
de grammaire.

Utilise bien la
voix selon la
situation, utilise
des lments
humoristiques, ou
de suspens, et
choisit le registre
de langue
Les sentiments,
opinions, et gouts
ne sont pas assez
clairs, justifis ou
originaux avec un
vocabulaire qui
manque de
Nutilise pas assez
dexpressions et
ne joue pas assez
avec le sens des
mots dune faon

monotone, sans
enthousiasme ni
humoristiques, ou
de suspens. Le
registre nest pas

Plusieurs fautes
de vocabulaire,
orthographe, et
de grammaire

Les fautes de
orthographe, et
de grammaire
empchent la

Les sentiments,
opinions, et gouts
ne sont pas clairs,
justifis ou
originaux. Le
vocabulaire nest
pas appropri.
Utilise peu
dexpressions et
ne joue pas assez
avec le sens des
mots dune faon

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