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Aaron P.

Private Ward

Monthly Journal
Our activities in the ward include our endorsement. After our endorsement we do our daily
nursing rounds. Then we do our vital signs monitoring and if there is any unusualties we refer it
to the resident on duty or consultant. We give medication to our patient. We carry out Doctors
order and assist them in some minor procedure. We also transport patients to do some
diagnostic procedure.

During my exposure in my area (Private ward).
Ive learned that camaraderie is very important in our working area. It helps us to perform our
task diligently. Our main task Is to be always patient centered and always prioritized the needs
of our patient.

During my nine months of training Ive learned to how to asses my patients status if they are in
respiratory distress, in pain or in discomfort. Ive also build up confidence in intravenous

As of now I have no recommendation.

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