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1. What role did the military play in shaping the economy of Brazil?

Brazils economy went up by Military leaders and new ideas in the Amazon.
2. What were some of the positive benefits of one-party rule in Mexico?
The President improved life for the peasants by the use of reforms and labor rights.
3. What effect did the Falklands war have on the military government in Argentina?
The leaders stepped down after he was disgraced by Britain. After Raul Alfonsin became the president.
4. Review the chart of Population Living in Poverty [a] In which three countries of La tin America is
the percentage of people living in poverty the lowest?
Bolivia, Columbia, and Ecuador.
[b] In which three countries is the poverty rate highest?
Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile. 5.
After reading this excerpt, in your opinion, has the military dictatorships in L.A. nations been bad or
good for the nations' growth? Explain your answer in two paragraphs [minimum].
I think that the military dictatorship in the Latin American nations has been the opposite of influential
for the nations growth. I think this way because dictators do not work well and there are very few in the
world because of that. A dictator can cause many problems while in rule and many times we have seen
the people revolt and thats how civil wars start. Many dictators also get greedy while in charge and they
can be the reason for a poor economy. Usually these dictators are rich and living the high life while the
people are starving and waiting for their possible next meal.

While reading, define/explain each term or name below and write a sentence regarding its
significance to the topic:
a. Brasilia- Became the new capital of Brazil, Juscelino Kubitscheck helped create the capital.
b. Land reform- It was the breaking up large estates and dividing the land to the peasants.
c. Standard of living- The way someone lives which is based by the amount of goods people have. The
Standard of living went down in Brazil.
d. Recession- Is when the economy is slowly producing.
e. PRI- Is Industrial Revolutionary Party, it was the main political base in Mexico.
f. NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement. They removed the trading barriers between Mexico
and the United States
g. Nationalization of an industry- This is a way for the Government to expand its power.
h. Welfare state- A system of Government that provides financial help for citizens.

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