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Semarang is one of the big cities in

It is called Lawang Sewu because it

Indonesia. It is the capital of Central

has a lot of doors and large

Java. Semarang has a lot of tourism

windows which look like doors. The

objects. One of the most famous

buildings have two floors and some

places is Lawang Sewu. It is located

of them have bunkers.

around Tugu Muda, a monument

that symbolizes Semarang.

Lawang Sewu was built in

1904. At first, Lawang Sewu was an
office of Nederlansch Indische
Spoorweg Maatscappij. After 1945,
Lawang Sewu was owned by
Indonesian Railway Company.

Lawang Sewu was also used as

Lawang Sewu becomes an

military headquarter. Finally,

icon of Semarang although it is a

nowadays, Lawang Sewu becomes

horror place. Overall, Lawang Sewu

one of historical building protected

is an interesting place to visit when

by the government.

we go to Semarang.





famous for its mysterious, horror,

and scary atmosphere. Lawang
Sewu has the dungeons which were
used to imprison local people.
Those places increase the creepy




People nowadays visit Lawang Sewu

to test their courage. Some people
also sighted ghosts that looked like
a Dutch woman and Indonesian
soldiers in Japanese colonialization
era. It might happen because in



Lawang Sewu was a place where

five days battle in Semarang
happened. Lots of people died
there. Sometimes when people take
a picture with their camera, they
found strange things on it.

Pratama Cipta Agi M. (122154232)

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