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Face the Nation in 40 Factors

Research Project:
Environmental Science AP

Instructor: Ben Smith

Peninsula High School

Please respond to/illustrate the following in your Nation Booklet deliverable, which is
to be neatly attached to your Ecological Footprint Shoe:
On the Cover: Illustration of your nations flag, with name of country below flag
1. On Page 1: Map of region of the world where country is located, with your
country labeled, along with at least three other nearby countries also labeled
2. On Page 2: A. Overall population and where this ranks globally; B. Population
Density; C. Percent Urban; D. Name and population size of capital city;
E. Government type
3. On Page 3: Age Structure Diagram
4. Page 4: An illustration of where your country is on the demographic transition
5. Page 5: A. The Growth Rate; B. Crude Birth rate; C. Crude Death Rate; D. Total
Fertility Rate; E. Life Expectancy; F. Infant Mortality Rate; G. Doubling Time
6. Page 6: A. Total Land Area; B. Percentage of the country that is Arable Land;
C. Identify Three Major Crops Grown: D. Major Natural Resources
7. Page 7: A. Water Use per capita/day; B. Water Availability per capita; C. Percent
of country that is under severe water stress
8. Page 8: A. Poverty (% of population below poverty line); B. Literacy Rate;
C. Education Spending as a % of GDP;
9. Page 9: A. Total Gross Domestic Product; B. Debt as a % of GDP; C. Major
Industries/Income Sources
10. Page 10: A. Three federally-recognized(perhaps beyond fed.) preserved
landscapes/aqua-scapes; B. Three endangered/threatened/vulnerable species
11. Page 11: A. Major Energy Resources; B. Carbon Dioxide Emissions; C. Carbon
Efficiency; D. Oil Consumption (barrels per day); E. Coal Consumption;
F. Natural Gas Consumption; G. Expenditure of Pollution Controls (as a % of
GDP); B. Municipal Waste Generation (kilograms/person/year)
12. Page 12: A. Human Development Index (HDI)? ; B. HPI ? Value/Rank on the
Happy Planet Index ?
13. Others: -Your choice to include other factors which you think are significant
14. Sources of Information:

Potential Placers: CIA World Factbooks,

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