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Forces, Pressure and Moments

1. Explain why force is a vector quantity and give 3 examples of

2. What is meant by a moment and give 3 every day occurrences of
3. This is a picture of a balancing Bird toy
a. Explain using the words centre of mass
and moments, why the balancing bird
balances on its beak

b. The bird is dropped and its the end of its

left wing snaps off. Explain what will happen if you try to
balance the bird

4. Is it more painful to be trod upon by an elephant or a woman in

stilettos? Calculate the pressure in each case to decide. (An average
elephant has a mass of 5000kg, all other variables will need to be

5. Explain why pressure underwater can be found using the equation

pressure= gh
(Derive the equation)
When building bridges the construction often starts on one side of a
river and the bridge is extended until it reaches the other side.
Explain using the words centre of mass and moments, the
difficulties that may arise during this. You should use a diagram to
help illustrate your answer

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