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Angus Geary
Mr. Catelli
English 12
14 January 2015
Annotated Bibliography
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. N.d. Television.
This television series depicts how Adolf Hitler grew up, and became the man he
was. He is depicted as a man who was a great leader, but he lead his people to do awful
acts against other human beings. It showed his life starting at a young age all the way
to his death. This series showed me how moving and powerful his speeches were. He
got millions of people to believe in what he was doing through his speeches. I believe
that to be a great leader you do not have to be the smartest person. You have to believe
in what you are doing and show your passion, and people will follow.
Eknath, Easwaran, Michael N. Nagler, and Tim Flinders. Gandhi the Man How One Man
Changed Himself to Change the World. Tomales, CA: Nilgiri, 2011. Print.
This book shows how Gandhi broke away from his life as a lawyer in India to
become the leader of hundreds of millions of Indians trying to gain independence from
the British. He lead his people without committing violence or harming anyone. He
also lead people by showing them a new way of living that he believed was a better
way to live. The people saw how much he was investing in making a new way of
living and they decided it was a good way to live life. Gandhi showed people that they
had to find themselves through spirituality.

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TEDTalks: Simon Sinek--How Great Leaders Inspire Action. TED, 2010.

This Ted Talk researched many companies on how they market a product and
why they make the product. All of the successful companies knew "why" they made
the product. It wasn't for money, it was what's the purpose of the product, or what's the
cause. "For example Apple started off as a computer company and then moved onto
MP3 players. They wanted to push the status quo. We buy apples MP3 players from
Apple because they are qualified to make them, and they believe in their product. All
of Apple's competitors are also qualified to make MP3 players like Dell, but we don't
buy Dell's MP3 players because they are a computer company. People don't buy what
you do; people buy why you do it"(Sinek). All successful companies are following this
marketing tactic of showing why they do what they do instead of just getting products
out in the world. It shows how good leaders know why they are doing what they are
doing and it's not just to make money. This was really informational not only did it tell
me why good leaders should believe in what they are doing, but it also showed that to
be a successful business you have to be passionate about what you are doing.
Younge, Gary. The Speech. N.p.: Haymarket, September 10, 2013. Print.
This book is about the moments leading up to Martin Luther King's speech, and the speech itself.
It told the story of how the three weeks leading up to the March on Washington there was 758
related demonstrations in 186 other cities. It showed how the marches and demonstrations in the
weeks before Martin Luther King's speech were so important and how they made the March on
Washington so powerful. It showed how Martin Luther King had Clarence Jones help draft the
speech. It depicted the horrors and triumphs through the weeks building up and after the speech.
I really liked this book. It showed me that with help you can accomplish anything whether it be

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winning a sports game, or fighting for what you know is right. Having good people backing you
up is always going to help.

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