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This chapter presents about the effects of Technology which include the Benefits

and Harmful Effects in Academic Performance of students, Solutions, some literature

about Effects of Technology and some Related Studies associated with the effects of

technology in every student’s Academic performance

Benefits of Technology

The 21st technology tools can positively influence the student learning process and

outcomes, students use technology for learning, work and leisure activities. Computer

allows for better student time on task and the students show increased attentiveness

through use of technology. Also, the students are more likely to be engaged in learning

during interactive multimedia technology. Another benefit is computer use as a tool for

more instruction for the student. Computers can provide that individual instruction that

students need.

Previous articles conclude that by using online tutorials students tend to get higher

scores effectively (Sasser, 1991) this study was conducted in the state of Florida. The

researchers use the scores to identify the difference of scores when students get online

tutorials while other students are not obligated to use tutorials. The result of their survey

shows that the students who learn on online sources got the high scores over the students

who did not use online tutorials.

Computer programs, such as Power Point presentations, allow for easier note

taking by the student. The computer helps students with spelling and grammar. Current
technology lets students produce spreadsheets, multimedia reports, graphics, timelines

and many other technological concepts that were extremely difficult before computers

were invented. Students in today’s world have almost everything at their fingertips.

Students can obtain information from anywhere in the world. (Article by Vonda Button,


Improves engagement, Technology provides choices to make learning more fun;

students are expected to be more interested in the subjects they are studying. Technology

can encourage the students to learn about the subject, that traditional lecturing cannot do.

Encourages individual learning, students can now easily understand every lesson,

technology gives the student to have an access on learning the lessons online if they

cannot understand it at school, it also helps the disabled student to study individual if they

cannot go to school anymore, there are now many ways to study not just by attending at

school, but a student that cannot afford to go to school everyday, technology will be the

one that will help them. Students can learn useful life skills through technology, By using

technology in the classroom, students can develop skills essential for the 21st century.

Students can gain the skills they will need to be successful in the future. Modern learning

Is all about typing, searching, and code it in a computer. The more that a student use

technology the higher possibility for them to always be aware of their lessons and also

surroundings. It will add to their motivation and learning and always being creative and

active at class (webanywhere, benefits of using technology, 2016)

Harmful Effects of Technology

The use of Communication now through Social Media is rapidly increasing.

Students tend to use gadgets like phone, laptop or a computer longer than to study their
lessons. The negative effect shows that gadgets destroy the mindset of a person that

should be learning this time, the student who chooses to use phone only to surf on

internet for own benefit got a lower grades on academic performance and sleepless nights

than those who choose to study over phone. (D.K. Wentworth, J.H. Middleton /

Computers & Education 78 (2014) 306-311)

Some researchers survey a large amount of students to know if there is a bad

effect of technology on academic performance of students. They found out that variety of

students show the negative effect of technology. In a qualitative study with Taiwanese

students as its sample, reported that sleep deprivation is the result of heavy use of internet

return with low grades (Chou, 2001). Another researcher found that students this day are

a heavy user of internet that causes them a low grade and low learning satisfaction than

non-heavy users (Chen and Peng, 2008). Researcher focused on surveying college

students to know the relationship between the video game usage and grade point average

(GPA). He reported “an inverse trend in GPA and daily video game usage; as the total

time increased, GPA decreased” (Anand, 2007, pg. 555) and again another researcher

found that Facebook users spend less time on studying, but for some reason 79% of these

students did not agree that they spends more time on Facebook than reading lessons

because it didn’t interfere in their academic performance. However the researcher

disregard the complains of the students and focused on what they are doing during vacant

hours and how many hours they spend on facebook and studying, after that researcher

found a negative correlation between time spent on Facebook and grades (Karpinski and

Duberstein (cited in Ohio State University, 2009) ).

Financial difficulties: Even students this day have financial difficulties, because

they are trying to save money every day from their allowance for them to buy new

gadgets like phones, laptops and TV’s for them to have a new gadget that they can share

through social media showing how every student loves changes in this country. Health

problems: Students let down being healthy when they are focused on technology, They

forgot to have a nice 8 hour sleep every day, forgot to have a dental check, and other

issues. Relationship issues: When a student choose a gadget than having a

communication talk with the family, that is the start of not being too close with the

family, no one cares what others would do, and always sharing your problems in the

social media like it is your diary than having a serious talk with parents, taking the time

away from your parents, family, and friends just to keep update online, impression that

others are not important, and this can be damaging to healthy relationships. Mental

health symptoms: Excessive Use of Technology by Students can lead them to Mental

Health Problems like stress, depression, and fatigue., not sleeping early or disturbed sleep

can lead to being fatigue of that person; stress may be related to the nonstop updates of

Students life, like a continues quiz, assignments, projects and practicum that you feel

your mind would blow in any minute : depression can come from not taking enough time

to unwind as well as a lack of personal connection in life. (Solutions-Recovery, Normal

vs. Healthy, 2018)

Ways to Avoid Excessive use of Technology

This 21st Century seems only evolves on the world of Technology, being glued to

the screen of Smartphone is as intertwined without our daily lives as breathing. There are

ways to avoid excessive use of technology; your quality of sleep is significantly affected
by night-time use of Smartphone, laptops, and tablets. A simple message or phone call

can send your mind into a tailspin of thoughts even if your mind needs to step down and

rest. Put your phone away from you or you can just silent your phone for no notifications,

create your own technology schedule, you should focus your task on productivity, instead

of spending much time on scrolling your newsfeed, it is better if you have a designated

time-slot for your gadgets (Douglas, Ways to avoid excessive use of Technology, 2017).

Finding other methods of entertainment and relaxation is essential, and it also

means strictly limiting engagement with electronics devices. Examples include:

Avoid use of all social media sites, or limit focus to a single site and check in for a brief

time once per day, students must obey this for them to benefit from it, the more that they

follow this rule the higher the possibility of being a mentally and physically healthy,

because when you limit the use of technology you can now take care of yourself, you can

exercise, eat healthy foods and maintain proper diet, and lastly you can have a nice eight

hour sleep. Have an electronics-free day every week, Sunday is the best day to avoid

electronic because there are many activities in this day: you can go to church every

morning to pray in God, Have a Family Date or Trip Together, and a nice communication

with your family and friends. Notice when boundaries start to slip and implement

check-ins with an accountability partner to put them back in place, you should know

when your limits start to slip for you to stop it early and not to do worse things and you

need a partner too for the both of you to remind each other if you are already slipping on

your limits for you to stop it and do it again like in a first time. (Solutions-Recovery,

Comprehensive Treatment, 2018)

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