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Grade One Homework

January 12th - 16th

Happy New Year!
All Homework will be sent home on Mondays and collected on Fridays
Sight Words: stop, how, about, that, play
RAH RAH!: Read At Home each night for at least 10 minutes from either Raz Kids, your
take home books or the Weekend News. Please color in the title of the book read. It is
okay to have your child read the same book more than once; this can really help with
fluency. Fluency- is the ability to read text smoothly, accurately, automatically and with
appropriate expression.
Word Work: Choose two of the activities below to practice your words this week.
*Slap-Play with a family member. Write your sight words on small pieces of paper. Place
them face up. Call out a word and see who can slap it first.
*Sight word Tic Tac Toe-Play with a family member. Make the Tic-Tac-Toe board on a
piece of paper. Instead of using Xs and 0s, write sight words on the board when it is
your turn.
*Write a short sentence using each word. (For example-I play hockey.)
*Write your sight words in ABC order.
Math: Practice counting on by using two dice or a deck of cards (take out the face
Roll two dice or flip over the top two cards. Count on from the larger number to find out
how many altogether.

For example, 5, 6, 7.

**Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the winter weather each day
(snow pants, boots, hat and mittens).
**Your child should also have an extra pair of mittens and socks in their book bag, just
in case the pair they are wearing become wet.
**January book order is due this Friday, January 16, 2015.

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