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I will treat you all like adults, not babies, in the business world. This means that I will expect
that we both will be delivering what's required of us.
1.I do not accept late submissions. In the real world, you lose money for every day that you
do not meet your deadline.
2.I will only grant 3 absences and 6 late.
If you exceed without valid excuse you will get a failing grade.
a. Really REALLY sick (supported by a legit medical certificate)
b. Family Emergency
c. Death of a love one
3.You are responsible for what you miss
If you are late or absent, you will be responsible to catch up on the lesson/progress reporting
that you missed.
4.All subjects under me have 10-minute grace periods. After the 10 minutes are up, the
lecture/discussion begins. Those who come in after the grace period are considered late.
5.All progress reporting are graded. Each session has a required update on the progress of
your multimedia project as well as the required number of signatures from your adviser/s.
Towards the end of the course you will prepare for the exhibition of for your multimedia project
as well as the corresponding project documentation (hard bound)
6.Unacceptable excuses for not meeting a deadline:
a. That you're working on another subject.
b. Traffic.
c. That you're a working student.
d. That your PC conked out. Back-up. Back-up. Back-up.
7.Cellphone rules :
Turn off or switch to silent mode when in class
Do not answer the phone or text during a discussion. You may
attend to your phone when the activity begins.
8.Computer Rules:
Absolutely no chatting, surfing, playing games during lectures, progress reporting, and
discussions. You know why.
9.Plagiarism is a crime. Always keep in mind that your maprod project is equivalent to an
undergrad thesis. So always be careful on what you put on paper and what your project is all
10.Make sure you have eaten breakfast. It's difficult to think on an empty stomach.
11.Creativity is encouraged, so please don't be afraid to think outside the box.

12.Do not be afraid to ask questions and even consult with me.

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