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Anchoring Script

Alumni Meet Evening Events

1. Introduction (Saloni)

Waqt Band mutthi se fisal sa gaya hai,

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Gar hota ilm hame iski chanchalta ka,

To yaron sang dil lagane ki bhool hi na karte.

Who knew it, the time would flow in such a way that our best buddies would one day be found only
in our Facebook Friend Lists;
Gossiping Corridors would limit themselves to Chat Windows,

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Picture Clicks would only be a matter of uploaded albums.

Time flies. So much has changed; our looks, our receding hairlines, our waist lines and even our
addresses. But what stays strong and intact within us are the memories of our alma mater. The time
we spent here, the experiences we shared and the personalities we transformed into.
After many years, today is the day. Today is the day to forget all appointments & meetings, the day
to forget all project deadlines. The day to walk through the same corridors, to breathe in the same
familiar air and relive the time which got subdued under these 25 years.

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

2. ROSE Students Performance (Avleen)

Steering away the clouds of gloom

Every ROSE has a right to bloom
ROSE (Responsibility Of Societal Enrichment) is an effort by UBS students to empower the less
privileged children in our vicinity by introducing them to the abundant pool of knowledge and

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

For this purpose a team of around 10 volunteers from UBS visits a slum area at Gandhi Colony
,Manimajra every weekend to teach these children.

So now we have amongst us these budding ROSES exhibiting their talent through a chorus.

** performance **
Waoo ! The whole atmosphere seems to be charged with the fragrance of this wonderful

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Please give a huge round of applause to these talented children.

Row 1: Mukesh ,Bhagat , Netrapal , Deepak , Vishnu
Row 2:Chandni ,Rekha , Poonam , Preeti , Kunti
Row 3: Preeti ,Raajmala , Savita , Chetan , Arjun , Satish

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

A warm token of appreciation has already been given by UBS to these children from ROSE in the
form of Jackets, caps and sweaters.

Thank You!

3. Start of Activities (Saloni)

Today has been a long day; our respected alumni have interacted with their old friends, the faculty
and with us, the present students of UBS.

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

We now have lined up for you, something that would take you through the memory lane, to revive
the very same energy and enthusiasm of good old college days.

So ladies and gentlemen, tie-up your shoe laces, pull-up your socks and get ready to get messed up
in the playgrounds of UBS once again.

The first activity which we have for you is the musical chairs. I request all the respected alumni to
please come forward and gather for same.

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

4. Bhangra (Avleen&Saloni)

Saloni: Hey Avleen! Who are these people dressed up so traditionally?

Avleen:Ohh they are my friends and they are dressed for BHANGRA, the traditional Punjabi folk
Saloni:oohhkkk!! Then why not to call them up, to put this place on fire. Lets tap our feet on Desi
Panjabi beat and make this evening much more refreshing and memorable one.
Avleen:Sure !! Come this side friends

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

BhangrateBoliyanPunjabiyan de shaan ae

Dekhde ne lokijidhrohn v langhjahn ae


Telao vi dosto,

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Panjabi loknaach,



** performance **

ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Thank You everyone for being a part of this memorable evening. I am sure that this event will make
our bond stronger until we meet next.


ALUMNI MEET 2014: Events

Lest I forget, a hot cup of tea is waiting for our guests at the UBS Auditorium area. Please join in.
Thank You


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