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Part 3
Unit 11
The Job Market
Lexical Database


job = work place, occupation

profession = occupation requiring sound training and education
career = a lifetime (successful) occupation

People involved

employer = the person offering jobs in his firm

employee = the person hired in a company
wage-earner = somebody being paid on a regular basis for his work (Rom. = salariat)
personnel = staff = all the employees of a company
managing board = the decision making executives of a company (Rom. = consiliu de
freelancer = someone who is working on his own (Rom. = liber profesionist)

Job search:

job hunter = someone looking for a job

job description = a list of job tasks (Rom. =fia postului)
vacancy = available job
credentials = references
recruiter = someone whose job is to find workers
rsum (Am.) = Curriculum Vitae (Br.) = CV
cover letter = letter accompanying the CV (Rom. = scrisoare de intenie)
to be on probation = to be working for a period in order to prove your competence
position = job, work place

The work place

workshop = the place where workers carry out their jobs (Rom. = atelier, hal)
sweatshop = work place with bad work conditions
part time job = a 4-hour a day work program
full time job = an 8-hour a day work program
flexitime = work program allowing you to pick the time when you start work
shift work = morning, afternoon and night work program
overtime = doing more than 8 hours of work a day.

Unwanted situations

overmanning = excess of personnel

downsizing = reduction of activity and therefore diminishing the number of personnel

redundancy = unemployment

Money earned

wages (always in the plural) = money paid on a monthly or twice a month basis
wages increase = pay rise
wages freeze = period when pay rises are not possible
income = money earned and expressed on a year basis
gross income = money earned, taxes not paid (yet)
net income = money earned, taxes paid
dole = redundancy money (to be on the dole)
fee = money paid for services (Rom. = tax)
bonus = extra money for exceptional performance
compensation = extra money meant to cover some loss

Levels of payment

overpaid = paid in excess

well paid = satisfactory wages
badly paid = unsatisfactory wages
underpaid = paid way too bad


you can keep head above water = you can make both ends meet = you can barely manage
a blue collar = a worker
a white collar = an office worker
a pink collar = a secretary
workaholic = someone addicted to work
workshy = lazy


The Adverb

deeply, quite, keenly, particularly, highly, greatly, pretty, a lot

Collocations: highly upset / enthusiastic / regarded

keenly interested in / aware of
quite pleased / good
deeply hurt / disgusted
pretty unfair / good
greatly appreciated
I owe you a lot
Watch out!
fairly + Adjective with POSITIVE MEANING
quite + Adjective with NEGATIVE MEANING

Eg. Fairly good / easy / nice, etc

Eg. Quite late / bad / tough, etc.


mult mai

much / even / far / a great deal / still + COMPARATIVE

Collocations: much better / slower / faster

even better / more severely / harder
a great deal more / less / better
still better / more attentively
Long phrases
no longer / not any longer = nu mai
how long = ct timp
I wont be long = nu dureaz mult
it takes /doesnt take long = dureaz / nu dureaz mult
dont be long = grbete-te
Order of Adverbs of definite / indefinite time
1. The Adverb with a narrower sphere precedes the Adverb with a wider sphere
Eg. We were to meet at 12:00 on the first Monday of September, that year.
2. Adverbs of Indefinite time will be placed after the subject or after the first Auxiliary.
Eg. They have often worked till 19:00 on Saturdays last year.
3. Adverbs of Indefinite time precede Adverbs of Definite time.
Eg. We have to go to work early in the morning.
Order of Adverbs of definite / indefinite time, manner and place
1. When the sentence has three Adverbs (of place, manner and definite time) their order is:
Eg. She went home gladly last night.
2. When the sentence has three Adverbs (of place, manner and indefinite time) their order is:
Eg. The pupils often worked there willingly.
Unit 12
Sports and Fitness
Lexical Database
Sports and games
Soccer = fotbal european
Water polo
Chess = ah

Athletic events = probe atletice
Rowing = canotaj
Fencing = scrim

Sports terminology

tennis = forehand (direct), backhand (revers), serve (serviciu), ace (as)

swimming = breaststroke (bras), butterfly stroke (fluture), crawl (craul), backstroke (spate)
athletics = running events (probe de alergare): sprint (vitez / 100m, 200m), long distance
(rezisten), hurdles (garduri); throwing events (probe de aruncare): the discus (aruncarea
discului), the javelin (suli), shot putting (aruncarea greutii), hammer throwing (aruncarea
ciocanului); weight lifting (haltere).
horse riding = steeplechase (curs cu obstacole), saddle (a), spurs (pinteni), stirrup (scar).

Human qualities developed by sports

selflessness = altruism
stamina = rezisten
accuracy = precizie

Sports Phrases

to be a good sport = to be fair-play

to sport a piece of clothing = to wear a piece of clothing
a sporting chance = a significant chance

Sport locations

(golf) course = teren de golf

race course = pist de curse hipice
speedway / racetrack = pist de automobilism
(skating) rink = patinoar
(tennis) court = teren de tennis
(ski) slope = prtie de schi
pitch = teren de fotbal
track = pist de alergri (atletism)

The Objects

foil = floret
hokey stick = cros de hochei
puck = puc
paddle = pagaie, padel (vsle folosite n canoe, respective caiac)
oars = vsle folosite la schif
bow = arc
arrow = sgeat
barbells = haltere
shuttlecock = flutura de badmington

Sports phrases

to score against = a marca contra

to lose to = a pierde n faa

to win an easy victory = a obine o victorie facil

egalitate la 2 (3, 4, ) = 2 (3, 4, ) all
cap de serie nr.1 = the first seed
a-i dobor propriul record = to beat ones best time

Idiomatic Phrases

to keep the ball rolling = to maintain a conversation

to play the straight bat = to be fair
to be skating on thin ice = to be taking risks
to be the sport of fate = to be the victim of destiny
to make sport of somebody = to tease somebody
Thats not cricket! = This is something that shouldnt be done!
The Present Indefinite Tense
1) To express a permanent truth.
Eg. The sun rises in the East and Sets in the West.
2) To express a continuous state (state verbs).
Eg. I think they still have a lot to learn about verbs.
3) To express habitual actions.
Eg. We wake up at six thirty on week days.
4) To express instantaneous
instantaneous actions.
Eg. Here comes the President!
5) To express a future action.
a) As part of a program.
Eg. The train leaves at four fifteen!
b) In temporal clauses, after if, unless, after, before, as soon as, etc.
Eg. Hell be there as soon as you call him.
6) To express a past action.
Eg. I hear he has failed the exam again.

To make declarations or express feelings.

Eg. I bet you havent even heard of him.


In headlines.
Eg. Ship sinks offshore California.


Instructions and itineraries.

Eg. First you cook the vegetables on a low flame.
On day four we visit Paris.


To make a summary of events.

Eg. December 1 1918: Romania becomes one big nation.


Historic present in narratives and jokes.

Eg. So, the traveler invites them to join him.

The Present Continuous Tense

1. To express an action in progress.
Eg. They are playing and yelling.
2. To express an action in progress, but not necessarily at the present moment.
Eg. We are studying at the Polytechnic University.
3. To express special meanings of state verbs.
Eg. You are being nasty this time.
4. To emphasize a habitual action.
Eg. I am walking to work these days as my car is broken down.
5. To complain about bad habits.
Eg. Oh, youre always losing things!
6. To describe change and development.
Eg. Weather is getting colder every day.
7. Present tense with a future meaning.
Eg. I am going to Deva tomorrow.
Unit 13
Body, Health and Medicine
Lexical Database

Parts of the human body

eyebrows = sprncene
eyelids = pleoape
eyelashes = gene
neck = gt (vzut din exterior)
throat = gt (n interior)
nape = ceaf
arm = bra
forearm = antebra

elbow= cot
wrist = ncheietura minii
fingers = degete (doar de la mn)
thumb = police (degetul mare al minii)
foot = laba piciorului
toes = degfetele de la picioare
ankle = glezn
knee = genunchi
thigh = pulp, femur
hip = old
chest = piept
back = spate
waist = talie
belly = burt
navel (belly button) = buric
kidneys = rinichi
lungs = plmni
brain = creier
heart = inim
liver = ficat

Eye Phrases

to give somebody the eye = to look at smb. in a provocative way

to turn a blind eye to smth. = to pretend not to notice
to keep your eye into = to keep practicing until you become good at
to give smb. the bad eye = to induce a bad state by just looking at smb. (Rom.: a deochia)

Bad states

a sore throat = durere de gt

an indigestion = o indigestie
diarrhea = diaree
to cough = a tui
to sneeze = a strnuta
to sweat = a transpira

Aches and Pains

headache = durere de cap

earache = durere de urechi
toothache = durere de dini
backache = durere de spate
heartache= (fig.) suferin
to have a pain in the = a avea dureri de

Suffering People

cripple / invalid = invalid

hunchback = cocoat
dumb = mut
deaf = surd
deaf-mute= surdomut
short-sighted = miop
long-sighted = prezbit
color blind = daltonist

Political Correctness (just for the fun of it!)

differently abled = handicapped person

aurally challenged = deaf
vertically challenged = a short person
hair disadvantaged = a bald person
chemically inconvenienced = a psychotic person (insane, lunatic)

o The Past Tense

Form: the 2nd form of the verb (Unchanged for all persons!)
to go went gone
to do did done
to play played played
Use: to express past (finished /

accomplished) actions story telling

Adverbs: expressing finished periods of time

last week / month / year
two days / five years ago
o The Present Perfect Tense
to go went gone
to do did done
to play played played

They have gone

He has done
We have played

Use: to express the present consequences of a past action


1) No Adverb at all (it is irrelevant) - typical

2) Adverbs of indefinite time: just, ever, never
3) expressing unfinished periods of time
this week / month / year

Unit 14
Science and Scientists
Lexical Database

Arts and Science



IT (computer science)

Strange sciences

tribology = the science that studies friction and lubrication

morphology = the study of form and structure (of plants, animals, words, etc.)
enology = the science of wine making
herpetology = branch of zoology studying reptiles and amphibians

The scientists now

physician = (also doctor) a specialist in medicine

physicist = a specialist in physics
geologist = a specialist in geology
mathematician = a specialist in mathematics
chemist = a specialist in chemistry
optician= a specialist in optics (helping you to have the right eye-glasses made)
historian = a specialist in history

Branches of linguistics

phonetics = the science dealing with the sounds of languages

lexicology = the science dealing with the words of languages
syntax = the science dealing with the structure of sentences
semantics = the science dealing with the meanings of words
stylistics = the science dealing with language registers and styles

Other sciences

IT (< Information Technology) / computer science = the science of computers and their use
chemistry = the science studying the elements that make up our world
astronomy = the science of celestial bodies
astronautics / cosmonautics = the science dealing with outer space flights
mechanics = the science of motors, machinery and mechanisms
psychology = the science studying the functioning of the human brain
psychiatry = branch of medicine dealing with the diseases of the brain


The 7 arts: literature, music, painting, dancing, sculpture, architecture, cinematography

Literary genres: the lyric genre (including mostly poetry), the epic genre (including short
stories and novels) , the dramatic genre (including theatre plays)

Idiomatic phrases

to be second to none = to be the first

count me in = I will join you / take part in
count me out = I wont join you / I wont take part in
to be all square = to be even (Rom. a fi chit)
a white lie = to omit telling the truth
to be in the pink = to be in shape
a red neck = a rude guy (country pumpkin)

o The Past Perfect Tense

Form: HAD + 3rd form of the Verb (Past Participle)

Use: to express an action that preceded a past event or moment
Past Perfect Tense

The present moment

Adverbial of Past Time

Predicate in the Past Tense
E.g. She had arrived home

at 14:00 yesterday. or
when you called.
Romanian correspondent: mai mult ca perfectul indicativului
Unit 15
Food and Drinks
Lexical Database

Spices you might not know:

cinnamon = scorioar
ginger = ghimbir
pepper = piper

Pepper compounds

black pepper = piper negru

white pepper = piper alb
chili pepper = ardei iute

recovery = revenire
green pepper(Br.) = ardei gras
bell pepper (Am.) = ardei gras
sweet pepper (Br. &. Am.) = ardei gras
cayenne pepper = paprika

Herbs (plante aromatice):

mint = ment
parsley = ptrunjel
basil = busuioc
thyme = cimbru
dill = mrar


pork = pigs meat

beef = cows meat
veil = calfs meat
mutton = sheeps meat


soda = mineral (fizzy) water or carbonated drinks

spirits = strong, distillated liquors
liquor = general term for distillated alcoholic drinks


lager = (Continental) European beer

pale ale = light colored British beer
brown ale = dark colored British beer

Other words related to foods and drinks

edibles = produse comestibile

drinking water = ap potabil
nutrients = elemente nutritive
fat = grsime, untdelemn
fragrance = arom
consistence = consisten

Idiomatic phrases

an egg-head = an intellectual
to go bananas = to go highly upset / mad
to go like hot cakes = to sell very well
to be in the jam / soup = o to be in trouble
it is strong meat = it is complicated / tough
to be mutton dressed up as a lamb = to be inadequately dressed

full of beans = very energetic

o The Expression of Futurity

Simple Future Tense

Referring to an indefinite moment in the future
Eg. He will be a famous painter one day.

Present Continuous Tense

Present tense used with a future meaning.
Eg. Im leaving for Paris tomorrow.

Simple Present Tense

1. According to timetables, schedules, etc.
Eg. The train is due out at 4:30.
2. In time clauses, after a future in the main clause
Eg. I will drop by when I find a little spare time.

going to Future
1. Near future: immediate actions.
Eg. They are going to arrive in no time.
2. Intentional future: expressing intentions.
Eg. I am going to sue them if they dont pay.

To be to
Modal meaning: obligation resulting from a plan, schedule
Eg. We are to be there at 3:00 sharp.

Modal meaning: obligation imposed by the speaker
Eg. You shall do as I say!

Future Continuous
Action in course at a certain moment in the future
Eg. I will be sleeping this time tomorrow.
I will be sleeping when you come.

Future Perfect (Happy case = Rom. Viitor anterior)

Action preceding a certain moment in the future
Eg. They will have left tomorrow at 12:00.
They will have left when you arrive.

Future Perfect Continuous (hardly ever used)

Action that will be going on for some time before a certain moment in the future (and
eventually still continue past that moment.
Eg. He will have been working for 3 years before he is promoted.
He will have been working for 3 years by next September.

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