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Hidden Object Puzzle

Can you find the Heart?


Explanation of the Equations:

We inserted the equations; x=50 and x=-50 because we knew it would form
2 vertical lines, because we knew that for a line to be vertical the line must
always have the same x coordinate, as well as having them equal distance
from zero on either side. These lines were used to frame the boundaries of
the heart.
We inserted the equations; y=1.5x and y=-1.5x. The x was inserted
because we knew that for it to be angled or diagonal, the equation must
show a relationship between the two variables x and y. The rate of change
shows that when x increases by 1, y increases by 1.5. We also knew that for
them to form the V shape of the heart they must share the same yintercept. We made the one equation negative, and one positive, because for
them to create the V shape they must reflect each other on the y-axis.
We inserted the equations; y=1.5x+70 and y=-1.5+70 . Due to the fact
that we needed the lines to form the other V shape of the heart located at
the top of the heart, we made the line equations similar to the one above,

but we added 70 because it seem like the right amount to increase the yintercept to make the V at the top of the heart.
We inserted the equation; y=100, we used the y variables because we
knew that it would create a horizontal line. We used the number 100 because
for the design to work it needed to be 100 units from the x-axis. The line was
used to complete the top part of the heart, and define the top part of the
We inserted equations; y=1x+140 and y=-1x+140, because we knew that
to complete the arches of the top of the heart, it needed to have two lines
that were angled inward, towards the y-axis. We used the number 140
because it framed the arches of the heart perfectly design wise.
We inserted the equations, y=50, y=-4x, y=10x+200, and y=1x+50, at
random to disguise/hide the heart. In other words it was use to distract the
viewer(s) from the actual figure.

Sketch Of The Heart:

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