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Interpretation of Linear Equations

A linear equation is an algebraic equation in which the highest exponent of the variable is one. A two
variables linear equation describes a relationship in which the value of one variable say ‘x’ depend
on the value of the other variable say ‘y’. If there are two variables, the graph of a linear equation
will be straight line. 

Standard Form  of Linear Equation

Linear Equations have a standard form like: 
Ax + By + C =0 (Here, A, B, and C are coefficients, whereas, x and y are variables .)

Interpretation of Linear Equations w.r.t co-efficients

Since we have three co-efficient in the standard form if linear equation namely A, B & C so we’ll
interpret the effect due to each of these co-efficient on the graphs of the linear equation.

 Line parallel to the x-axis:

A linear equation will have graph parallel to x-axis when in ax+by+c=0, the value of the co-efficient of
variable y is a constant for all the points on the graph of the line. As in the figure below Let AB be a
straight line parallel to x-axis at a distance b units from it. Then, clearly, all points on the line AB have
the same ordinate (the value of y-coordinate) say, b.

Thus, if P(x, y) is any point on AB, then y = b


y=¿-5 (equation in one variable) only one solution

0 x + y=¿ -5 (a=0, b=1,c=-5) (equation in two variables) ifinitely many solutions

The value of y
remains as ‘-5’ for
any value of x
 Line parallel to the y-axis:
A linear equation will have graph parallel to x-axis when in ax+by+c=0, the value of the co-efficient of
variable x is a constant for all the points on the graph of the line. As in the figure below, Let AB be a
straight line parallel to y-axis at a distance a units from it. Then, clearly, all points on the line AB have
the same abscissa (value of x-coordinate) say : a

Thus, if P(x, y) is any point on AB, then x = a


x=¿ -4 (equation in one variable) only one solution

x +0 y=¿ -4 (equation in two variables) ifinitely many solutions

(a=1, b=0, c=-4)

The value of x
remains as ‘-4’ for
any value of y.

 Line Passing through the Origin

In this case we have C = 0 ,i.e. Ax + By=0 or we can say If the line passes through the origin, then
you know that (0,0) is on the line or in other words for a line to pass through origin substituting
x coordinate in equation should result in the y coordinate as 0.
x +2 y =¿0
x=−2 y

For y=-1 , For y =1 & For y=0

We get x=2 , We get x=-2 & We get x=0

(2,1) ( -2,1) (0,0 )


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