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Skills Development


Inside spread


Skills Devolpment Ancillary products

To create the panoramic shot that I plan to use for the inside spread of my digipak, I
used the panning shot featured in my video. In order to create the panoramic shot I
print screened the different sections of my panning shot, and then stitched them
together using the crop and mouse tools in Photoshop. This was time consuming as I I
did not want the seams where the print screens met to show. After I had neatened
the edges I then was able to save it as an image.
I also thought as an aesthetic that I could move one of my
actors to the other side of the panoramic to present them
as separate from each other. To do this I cropped the
panoramic image I had made previously, and repeating
the section that I cropped and placed that behind the far left
side placing this on the other side. I also had the idea that the
audience could make the two actors meet by making the
edges of the digipak meet. This is an idea Im considering,
however it would be difficult to execute in practice.

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