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Date: _________

Grade Level: 5
Subject Area: Social Studies
Topic: Immigration

Technology Used: iPad & Worksheet(s) w/QR Codes

Time Frame: Possible 2 Day Lesson

Objectives: Students will learn about immigration and citizenship and will then take a practice test on
their iPad(s) to see if they would be granted citizenship in the United States.
Materials/Resources: Student BYOT Devices with Headphones and Internet Access, Work Sheet(s).
GPS Standards: SS5H3 The student will describe how life changed in America at the turn of the century.
d. Describe the reasons people emigrated to the United States, from where they emigrated, and where
they settled.
SS5CG1 The student will explain how a citizens rights are protected under the U.S. Constitution.
a. Explain the responsibilities of a citizen.
b. Explain the freedoms granted and rights protected by the Bill of Rights.
1. Teacher will discuss the Terms Immigration and Citizenship.
2. Have a classroom helper pass out the attached worksheets and explain the Immigration
activity prior to passing out the iPads.
3. Explain to the students that they will be using their iPads along with the attached worksheet(s)
to go on a self-discovery journey regarding immigration and citizenship.
4. Have a classroom helper pass out iPads and headphones.
5. Explain to students that they are to use the Scan App (to read the QR Codes) on their iPads, so
that they can complete the assignment.
6. Students watch the BrainPop Video on their iPads or android devices about Immigration.
7. Students watch the BrainPop Video on their iPads or android devices about Citizenship.
Students watch the BrainPop Jr. Video on their iPads or android devices about Ellis Island.
8. Students learn more about Ellis Island by scanning the QR Code for PBS Kids Go!
9. Have the students complete the attached worksheets at school and at home (2 different tasks).
10. Have the students use safari on their iPads to answer the Further Research questions on
Worksheet #3 and the Vocabulary Questions on Worksheet #2.
11. Have the kids take the Practice Test activity in the Citizenship 2012 App on their iPads (found
in the Social Studies Folder).
12. As a fun adjunct to this activity, ask the Kids (by a show of hands) who qualified for US
13. Have the kids turn in Worksheet #3 as a homework assignment.
14. As an extension for this activity, you can have the students write a post card to their relatives
back home (their country of origin) about what it takes to become a citizen here in America.
15. Circulate around the room as a guide to assist students with this project.
16. Class discussion to ask students to talk about their heritage(s) after completing worksheet #3.
Modifications: None should be required.
Assessment/Evaluations of Objectives: Visual observation, worksheet responses & auditory responses to
questions posed during the class discussion.

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