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Meeting held on 11 February 2015 in the Ted Allen room
In Attendance: Lin Norman (LN) (Chair); Carole Pamphlett (CP) (Treasurer.); Roger
Glanville (RMG)(Sec); Chris Wilson (CW); Mike Cobley (MC); John Molson (JGM);
Rod Cooley (RC); Hazel Upton (HU); Keith Davison (KD); (RC); David Ebbels (DE);
Apologies: Nic Hale; Albert Callaewert; Ralph Martin; Chris Overton; Mark Sanders.
1. Minutes of the January 2015 meeting.
The Minutes were passed as a true record by those present.
Matters arising:
1) Lin Norman to raise hedge-cutting schedule and CF hedge at HTC meeting.
Completed also see Agenda 2.1
2) Committee members to help delivery of renewal letters. Agreed by committee.
3) John Molson to contact CL plot-holder driving over site. JM told the meeting an
obstruction had been positioned to prevent further damage.
4) Ralph Martin to continue search for more plastic material for replacement plot
number markers. Still outstanding
5) Carole Pamphlett to make notices for PH and CL sites reminding plot-holders to
secure gates. Completed Notices had been prepared by CP.
6) Lin Norman to email Site Reps about a Site Reps meeting. Completed also see
Agenda 10.1 - meeting arranged for 2nd March.
7) Lin Norman to contact bee expert before completing bee-keeping protocol.
Completed also see Agenda 7.2
8) John Molson to email CL plot-holders about plans to site hives on CL. Completed
email issued of which replies received from some 50% and are in favour.
9) Lin Norman and Ralph Martin to confirm phone contact details correct. Completed
10) Rod Cooley to upload H & S documentation to the website. Completed
11) Site Reps to bring all First Aid boxes to Feb meeting for replenishment. In
12) David Ebbels, Chris Wilson and Rod Cooley to include request in the PSF and
monthly email for comments and views on Awards competition. A paragraph has
been included in Newsletter and PSF.
13) Lin Norman to contact HTC and ask committee members views about Poly
tunnels and whether they wished to join a group to look further into the subject.
Completed also see Agenda 7.3
Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

2. Report from the Chair

2.1 LN had, along with CP, recently attended the annual meeting with HTC and
although she had submitted a report wished to raise a couple of points in committee.
Another attendee had been a local Community Support Officer who had distributed
warning notices for each site as part of the Allotment Watch initiative. Without
wishing to add further work for Site Reps LN agreed it was most likely they would
prove to be the contact point, and S.H.A.G.S. would provide the Police with a list of
contact names (Action LN), however it was emphasised any plot holder could contact
the Police in any instance. HU pointed out that Brian Abrey had already taken on
responsibility at AB site for security matters there.
DE asked what Allotment Watch meant and LN explained it was similar to
Neighbourhood Watch with a contact network ideally with an overall coordinator.
LN also explained how popular bio-diversity was to HTC delegates. Projects such as
the wildflower meadow and bee-keeping projects at CL site were of great interest.
3. Finance
3.1 Draft Accounts: CP presented the draft Final Accounts for 2014 for acceptance by
the committee, consisting of separate Receipts & Payments schedule, Statement of
Assets data, Site expenditure details and Shop Accounts, along with a brief
explanation. CP added much of the information had been circulated before, however
the latest documents now included the comparison with prior year.
In respect of the Shop Accounts CP acknowledged that the 2013 opening Stock figure
was probably shown lower than actual. A donation of 500 had been made to Society
CP asked for Committee approval before sending the Accounts for independent
examination ahead of publication in readiness for the AGM (Action CP). RMG asked
for a vote to accept these Accounts (proposer HU seconder RC) carried unanimously.
3.2 Monthly Cash Statement: CP then covered the latest cash situation which
continued to be good but which included payment covering the yearly insurance
premium, the cost of a skip for CF site and the costs to date for machine maintenance.
With further invoices for maintenance just in CP anticipated that the servicing bill for
this year would prove to be higher than last year.
3.3 Interest Rates: CP went on to discuss the low interest (102.36) being earned on
the reserve fund and asked the committee to consider whether it would support
moving some funds to a fixed rate account. The remainder would still be held against
a need to repair damage/replace stock in the event say of a fire. Discussion then
followed about possible routes given that a minimum sum would need to be tied up for
2 or 3 years. Against this proposal it was suggested by RC perhaps opening two
accounts each with the minimum sum to provide additional protection. The committee
agreed that CP should investigate the proposal further (Action CP).
3.4 Rent renewals: CP told the committee all renewal letters had been printed and
she had put them in envelopes awaiting posting. Members of the committee then
Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

volunteered to take batches of letters for hand delivery thereby saving the Society over
200 in postage costs.
CP had also produced a rota for staffing on rent renewal Sundays. Further help
wanted for Associate members desk. LN will cover H & S leaflet signing. LN added
that HTC agreed the leaflet would provide significant protection.
CP confirmed that she had arranged a facility for on-line renewals this year.
The Chair offered a vote of thanks to CP for all the work done recently on the Accounts
and to support the forthcoming rent renewal time.
4. Site Matters
4.1 Oakley Rd: RC advised there was a prospective tenant for the last remaining plot
on the site and Chris Overton was following up. Otherwise no news.
4.2 Cross Lane: JGM advised the bug hotel was working well. CP asked for a plot
number for the bee project and JGM confirmed this would be CL13. JGM undertook
to contact the bee-keeper to request him to pay his rent and register to ensure he
was added to the database (Action JGM). The area put aside for the bees would
constitute a full plot including the overgrown areas necessary to shield the bee hives.
Site was now fully booked although JGM acknowledged this might change at the end
of rent renewal period plus some previous areas had been decommissioned and if
further demand arose could be brought back into letting options.
As regards hedge-cutting, work was still outstanding. JGM was also concerned the
wildflower meadow may be less spectacular this year.
4.3 Aldwickbury: HU confirmed a tree on the Green Lane border required to be cut
down after wind damage. HU would follow up with HTC. (Action HU). Athol had
been assisting the Society again with loads of manure.
4.4 Piggotshill Lane: MC advised no major problems but asked if any further time
from the Community Payback team might be available. LN responded to say the
Society had already benefited well from the team but thought it unlikely in the shortterm.
4.5 Churchfield: KD confirmed the skip had been collected. The drive of a house
bordering the site is beginning to fall through on plot CF16 and LN agreed to speak
to HTC. (Action LN).
4.6 Harpenden Rise: DE reported the manure had been delivered. Footpath hedge
still awaited cutting.
4.7 Other Sites: CW reported all quiet on Sibley Ave.
5. Lettings
5.1 In Chris Overtons absence RMG read a short report received from CO who will
attend all renewal weeks. Bug hotel completed and remaining vacant plots on the
Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

site had been let. Finally once renewals had been completed CO would be issuing a
revised database as necessary.
6. Machinery
6.1 In Ralph Martins absence RMG covered the report received from RM.
In summary maintenance going well most common problem worn out mower blades
plus 2 machines had been written off; one each at HR and AB sites. Some 414 to
repair the rough cutter and then be held at CL site.
MC remarked that the C.P. team had a brush-cutter attachment to a strimmer and it
was proposed RM look into obtaining one for the Society for use of overgrown plots.
HU recorded concern about the mower condemned for AB site. Whilst funds to
replace were available a replacement was not available and this could prevent the
narrow pathways between some plots to remain uncut.
CP confirmed there was money in the plan which would cover replacing the two
condemned machines but if a 3rd machine were to be wanted this could be a
It was agreed RM could go ahead with sourcing these two machines. (Action RM).
Also RM was investigating two other mowers located in the Stores but not allocated
to sites. One was thought to be a mower donated by a former AB site plot holder.
7. Projects/New Developments
7.1 H & S Policy: LN advised that documents were now on the web-site and the
guidance leaflets had been prepared ahead of distribution to plot holders on renewal
The only other piece of documentation that remained to be completed was the
Notes for visitors to Sites form. This was hoped to be completed as soon as
7.2 Bee-keeping: The draft protocol had been looked at by JGM and a revised
version would be issued shortly (Action LN). LN had also met with the bee-keeper
who emphasised the arrival of the bees was dependent on when they swarmed so
only an indication could be given.
CW again raised the importance of the Society seeing a current BBKA certificate of
any prospective bee-keeper using Society sites and for checking and recording
annual renewal within the Societys protocol. JGM confirmed this had been done
and would be in the future. The bee-keeper was also attending a swarming course.
RC asked about the erection of warning notices in the vicinity and LN assured the
meeting such notices advising No entry and Keep away from the bees will be
placed to warn other plot holders about the designated area also they will be placed
Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

in the noticeboard. JGM also planned to email again all CL plot holders on the plans.
(Action LN/JGM).
RC voiced concern about the use of spray insecticides nearby, however DE was
unaware of any sprays that were bee-friendly, furthermore JGM mentioned the
farmer on the adjacent fields also sprayed.
It was also hoped the bee-keeper might speak during the CL Open Day in June.
7.3 Polytunnels: LN confirmed the group had met and proposed a review of the
Rules concerning structures and a limit on the size of 4m x 3m x 2m high to be
JGM was currently looking at the Rules in question under a heading of Structures
and would report back at the March meeting. (Action JMG).
RMG added that he was also working on the Rules chiefly to correct inaccuracies
centred on offices held and policies introduced which may require further adjustment
in the light of JGM recommendations. A copy had been distributed and comments
invited again during the March meeting.
This timing was crucial, RMG went on to emphasise, given the need to bring all
changes together so that full and formal communication of the planned changes be
available for discussion and ratification by the 2015 AGM in May.
CW asked if a new version of the Rules would be circulated first however RMG
thought not since each rule change ought to be subject to a proposed change of
rule about to allow separate voting motions during the AGM.
RC asked about how this was communicated and RMG outlined the process using
the noticeboards, web-site, monthly email and notices in the Shop. Anyone wishing
could also obtain copies of the papers from RMG.
8. Communications
8.1 RC confirmed the Jan email had been issued, details on the web-site included
Shop information from RG, further information regarding the History of the Society,
courtesy of JGM, the latest H & S documentation and photo of the bug-hotel.
Also of concern was the recent experiences of the Watford allotment site under
threat of development which, LN observed, demonstrated the vulnerability of
allotment sites and need for the Society to ensure our sites are well managed and as
fully let as possible.
8.2 The PSF was at the printers in order to be available for distribution at renewal.
LN asked for thanks again to DE for his efforts.

9. Awards
Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

9.1 Award criteria: CW was awaiting feedback requested in the latest PSF where
plot holders were asked for their comments on the subject and how scoring might be
structured to balance reward for those growing less varieties.
It was hoped that sufficient feedback would be obtained for discussion in the March
10. A.O.B.
10.1 Site Reps meeting: LN confirmed the meeting was planned for 2 nd March at 7.30
in the TA Room. DE advised his absence but it was hoped Glenda Fish might attend.
RC will also try to find someone to attend on behalf of OR site.
RC suggested a group photo be planned.
10.2 First Aid boxes: LN thanked those Site Reps present for bringing in most boxes.
LN will contact those remaining to be brought in soon (Action LN).
10.3 SABN Plot: LN told the meeting an approach had been made by St Albans
Bereavement Network to take a plot for use by their members.
It was agreed the main user would have to be an AL5 resident, take responsibility for
the plot and be given a copy of the Rules. HU asked about being aware of who is
coming on to the plot however CW felt this was covered by the policy as regards
visitors in that SABN members would have been invited by the Society and
thereby covered for insurance purposes. LN will feedback to SABN. (Action LN).

Date of Next Meeting: 11th March 2015 Ted Allen Room

Minutes of Feb 2015 SHAGS Committee Meeting

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