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Movie Night
Sunday, March 15th

Come see how you can find Jesus everyday movies and how you
can use them to share your faith with your friends.

in the youth room

Need one more
This is a GREAT & EASY way to invite your friends to church and
chaperone to join us enjoy an evening of hanging out with us!
for this evening at the
SUGGEST THE MOVIE on our Facebook page

Skate Night
Saturday, March 7th
$6 if we have 10 or more
Haygood Skate Center
Ferry Plantation Road
Please sign up in advance so we
have your name on list for the
group pricing!

March Matthew 25:34-40

Then the King will say to those on his
right, Come, you who are blessed by my
Father; take your inheritance, the
kingdom prepared for you since the
creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry
and you gave me something to eat, I was
thirsty and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you invited me
in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed
me, I was sick and you looked after me, I
was in prison and you came to visit me.

Then the righteous will answer him,

Lord, when did we see you hungry and
feed you, or thirsty and give you
something to drink? 38 When did we see you
a stranger and invite you in, or needing
clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see
you sick or in prison and go to visit you?

The King will reply, Truly I tell you,

whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did
for me.

Bring $2 and your favorite movie candy, pizza & couches. During
Lent, we will drink water, rather than soda, and save our soda
money to share with the UMC Global Health Initiative instead.


March 22nd 9:45am - Noon
Sunday school hour (until they are done!)

The youth, again, will be preparing 50 lunches for the homeless in our community.
WE STILL NEED: the following items delivered by 10am SUNDAY, NOV. 22nd Please either
drop them off in front of the youth room door or left on the kitchen counter/fridge clearly
marked "YOUTH B.B.B."

5 variety pack (20 count) individual potato chip/Frito lay chips

3 (24pk) 5L bottles of water

8 (12 count) fruit cups snacks (not cans) ie: pears, peaches, assorted, mandarin
oranges, fruit cup

7 packs sliced ham (16oz packages)

12 packs of sliced cheese (10 slices per package)

10 loaves of bread ("sandwich" cut)

50 individually wrapped bags of cookies (2 each) These may be homemade or

store bought.
Please text, call or email me as soon as possible if you are willing to donate any of these This is a cool and rather beautiful opportunity for us to
minister to people who are hungry.
PIN Ministry started many years ago with just a handful of sandwiches
and brown bag lunches. Now they feed hundreds of hungry each week. How cool to be
part of that! Thank you so much for how you continue to make it possible for our youth to
do God's work with their hands!

Worship & Sunday School Each Sunday!

Our topic this winter: Scripture Scavenging Grab a snack & drink and join
us In between services (@10am) in the youth room! Worship
at 9am (social hall) & 11am (sanctuary).

Bridge Builders aka Adults aka Chaperones aka Life Changers aka
Difference Makers: We need you! We continue to seek adults willing to
participate and share their lives to make a difference in the lives of our youth. If
you feel called this incredible and simple way to be in ministry, please contact our
youth director Juliet Hutchens today

Keep Up With What's Going Down By. . .

Logging on to our youth website at
Text @FrankFun to (571) 383-2497 to receive text messages and notices
Follow us on TWITTER!
@FAUMCYouth #theFrank #youwishyouwerehavingasmuchfunasus
***Please LIKE us at FAUMC Youth Ministries

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