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Miata Knox

[4900 Meridian St N Knight Complex 304B] | [Huntsville, Al 35762] | [(205)2925197] | []

Objective: To continue my career with an organization that will utilize my leadership

skills to benefit mutual growth and success.

About Myself
I am an 18 year old freshman that attends Alabama A&M University. I am a
happy and loving person. I love to be active in things around the school as much
as I can. I have a lot of school spirit. I am a shy person at first but once I get to
know people I am a very fun, goofy person that everyone loves being around. I
have a very bubbly personality and I can make anyone day with how I act no
matter what type of day they are having. I'm always smiling literally every time
you see me I have a smile on my face it doesnt matter what type of day I'm
having no one will ever know if I'm having a bad day or not. I like to see everyone
happy with lifted spirits. I am a very determined person so when I set my mind on
something I dont stop until I get it done. I dont give up on anything not easily
anyway. I want to succeed in life. I am also a very friendly person and can get
along with anybody with no problem. I talk a lot and I'm also good at starting
conversations with others.


[Northridge High School , Tuscaloosa , Al]

[Advanced Diploma] | May 24, 2014]

[Graduated with 3.0 GPA , Most Creative in Art , AB Honor Roll ]

Awards and Acknowledgments

[Deans List -Alabama A&M University -2014.]

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