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Im standing on Lustren Moutik and its like a million different times are joined

into one because its all happening at relatively the same time but it cant be.
Behind me Dru and Tross are laying on the ground kissing. Tross is flickering through
a thousand different skins and begging Dru to stay and at the same time telling her
to go.
I see them standing off on the rough cobblestone on Daskune. Dru crying
over at the wind at him but her words are just out of reach. Yet I clearly hear Tosss
words to her, We cant change our destinies! Not even our Heritages will stop fate!
Ive walked this path before and it will end no differently!
I do not wish to be put at odds with you, Tross. But fate only plays a small
part in what comes next, Dru warned him, her voice steady and strong. She walked
away leaving a devastated Tross in her wake.
Yet in front of me, Kylie stood on the waters surface, arms spread out
seeming to call the storm. Dark clouds gather and swirl around above her; the water
whips up around looking like the bottom of a waterspout. Behind her the Belinatta
rose with a sword all in the ghostly sea green. Only she looked like my mom.
Unidentifiable people fell from all sides of the cliff and Matt stepped off,
walking on air as if there were invisible stairs. He looked like a knight, in golden
armor and a silver sword in one glowing the familiar glittering black of Kennea. He
stepped onto the water and like Kylie floated on it. He was giving her that look I
noticed that he often gave her; the one that said he knew he was going to die and
yet he would do it all again for her.
The mountain in the distance shook and I knew she was waking.
Across the water to the isolated section of the falls, I swore I could see
William standing at the edge with Alina and Indigo behind him, each on their own
side. The water fell from the cliff in buckets and he gently touched the water. He
straightened and mouth the words but I heard them, Its time.
My hands were a translucent silver of a moonlighter. I was turning into one.
The dagales was in my hand and I could see everything it had done. The dying
propateen and streets filled with rushing blood, it made me sick. The tip of the
dagger pierced my skin where the black mark was. A drop of blood spilled and I
could feel the black mark spreading, turning my veins black. The dagales fell from
my hand and hit the stone floor; I saw and heard bounce but it fell to the lake below.
I fell back and Tierre caught me, slowly laying me down. She whispered something
in my ear and the words kept echoing around in my head even though I couldnt
remember the exact words.
This was how I was going to die, a prick from a daggar. I had come all this
way only to die here. This was how it ended.
There was a bright light and I could see the original guarrectlos. They looked
happy almost like a fake picture. Their backs turned to me and four little words were
the last thing I remembered.
I never knew him.

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