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Chapter Practice Problems

Subject: BIOLOGY



1. Systematic arrangement of organism on the basis of their relatedness is called ______

2. The system of naming plants and animals is called as ______
3. The first part of the scientific name is called ________
4. The second part of the scientific name is called _________
5. Binominal nomenclature was proposed by ______
6. Each kingdom is divided into a number of groups called _________
7. The maintenance of osmotic concentration of the individuals body is called _______
8. A connected mass of hyphae is called _________
9. The reserved food in the fungi is _____________
10. The root like structures present in the Bryophyta is called ______
11. Tadpole excretes_______
12. Gills are covered by ________
13. In higher vertebrates, notochord is replaced by __________
14. Water vascular system is characteristic feature of phylum _________
15. The respiratory organ of phylum mollusca is ________
16. _________ is the largest phylum
17. In insects, the head and thorax can be joined to form a ________
18. proto nephridia is the excretory organ of phylum
19. The body cavity of Arthropoda is ________
20. Collared flagellated cells of porifera is called __________
21. What are called Triploblastic animals?
22. Why circulatory, respiratory and skeletal system are absent in platy helminthes?
23. What do you mean by Hermaphrodite
24. What is the meaning of Echinodermata?
25. Define:
(a) Haemocoel
(b) Open circulatory system
(c) oviparous
(d) viviparous
(e) warm blooded
(f) cold blooded


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