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Lauren Kincaid

Ancient Civilization Current Event

World History Honors 2
Title: MIT calls car-to-car communication
Technologies for 2015' Source: MLive





3 Facts:

Over 30,000 of the 5 million car accidents in the U.S. every year are
Most obstacle detecting systems on vehicles cant see anything that
is obstructed from your vision.
Plans are in action now to have cars put out radio signals ten times per
second in order to alert other vehicles of their location.

2 Questions:

Could this also be implemented into older models of cars, or would you
have to purchase a new car?
Will these radio signals work with cars from other areas? For example,
will a car from North Carolina still get signals from a car in the area, but
from California?

1 Statement:

I think this article relates to our current unit because the technology of
this system will hopefully be widespread throughout the country. And
the communication between the vehicles could be related to the
communications that became widespread with the addition of the Silk
Road during this time.

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