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Lauren Kincaid

20th Century World Wars

Media Analysis
World History Honors 2

(Although this is not a real propaganda

poster, the first Captain America comic
debuted in 1941, which was in the middle
of WWII. This character gave hope to and
encouraged Americans about the war, and
helped them get through it. I am going to
answer the following questions as if I am
living in a universe where Captain America
was a real living person who fought in the
war efforts.)

What does the media say about

the attitudes of the day?
o This shows that people
wanted to win the war, and
everyone was willing to help
out, whether they were
fighting on the front lines or
just buying war bonds.
Captain America increased
patriotism across the nation.
Why does the creator of the
media choose this style to
convey a message?
o This
American soldier wearing
Captain Americas helmet
and shield. This shows that
working with the military in
the US in fighting the Axis
Powers. The message of this
was that if we all worked
together as a nation, then
we could win the war.
How could this media be seen as
an impact on others in the era or
for the future?
o Captain America inspired
many Americans not only
during World War II, but also
in our country today. He
gives courage to our military
in the current war.

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