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Introduction to Portfolio

Introduction about yourself

Amy Copp
16 years old
Ralph Allen school

About yourself
Subjects that I chose for my options
Health and social
These are the 3 lessons that I chose for my GSCE

To work with children like children who are in nursery or new born
I chosen BTEC ict because I havent done it when I was in school before
accept from when I was in year 9 but it was different and I wanted to do
something different in year 10 and 11 so that am not doing the same
things in year 10&11
Why you have selected the pieces of work that you have? Because they
are the main bit and the most of work I have done and the pages I chose
is what I have chosen for my GSCE work the bits off work I have chosen to
do they are all bits of work what I have done since September in year 10 I
have chose to do these pieces of work because its the best kinds off work
I have done and its also the best bits off work that I have and I dont have
much stuff from year 7,8,9.

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