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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

NAEYC Standard:
experiences and clinical practice in a) at least two of the three early childhood age groups (birth
age 3, 3 through 5, 5 through 8 years) and in b) the variety of settings that offer early education
(early school grades, child care centers and homes, Head Start programs).

Brief Description of Evidence:

Throughout my educational journey, I have had experience working in many settings
including preschool, elementary school, child care, babysitting, day camps, and youth groups.

Analysis of What I Learned:

By being a part of these experiences, I have developed the knowledge, skills, and professional
disposition necessary to promote development and learning for young children across the entire
developmental period of childhood. I learned about many different aspects of child development
such as their social/emotional and cognitive development by observing my mentors. I learned a
few ways to properly handle behavior guidance in my future classroom as well including positive
and negative behavior and its consequences which is supported by the theorists John Watson.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the

NAEYC Standard:
I demonstrate my competence in this standard by ability to prove my clinical practice
experiences in many different settings of education starting with preschool on to elementary
school. These fall under the categories of birth to age three and age five to eight years old. I have
proof of these experiences shown by picture evidence of at least two different settings in the
professional world of education.

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