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TSL3110 : Unit 7 Hobbies Year 2



Unit 7

Content Standard

1.1 By the end of the 6-year

Learning Standard

Day 1 (Listening and speaking)

primary schooling, pupils will

be able to pronounce words

World of

and speak confidently with


the correct stress, rhythm

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given
with guidance
(g) oral blending and segmenting.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

and intonation.




1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations :

1.2 By the end of the 6-year



(d) talk about oneself

primary schooling, pupils will

Thinking Skill

be able to listen and respond

Decribing, Ora

appropriately in formal and


informal situations for a


variety of purposes.

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate

understanding of oral texts by:

1.3 By the end of the 6-year

primary schooling, pupils will
be able to understand and
respond to oral texts in a
variety of contexts.

(a) answering simple Wh-Questions.


TSL3110 : Unit 7 Hobbies Year 2

2.1 By the end of the 6-year

Day 2 (Reading)

primary schooling, pupils will be

2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable

able to apply knowledge of

words and read them aloud.

sounds of letters to recognise

2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to

words in linear and non-linear


2.2 By the end of the 6-year
primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate
understanding of a variety of
linear and non-linear texts in the
form of print and non-print

2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear

and non-linear texts.
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 58 simple sentences
2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using
picture dictionaries

materials using a range of

strategies to construct meaning.
2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:
2.3 By the end of the 6-year
primary schooling, pupils will be
able to read independently for
information and enjoyment.

(b) non fiction

TSL3110 : Unit 7 Hobbies Year 2

3.1 By the end of the 6-year

Day 3 (Writing)

primary schooling, pupils will be

3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print:

able to form letters and words in



neat legible print including

b) phrases

cursive writing.

4.1 By the end of the 6-year

Day 4 (Language Arts)

primary schooling, pupils will be

4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz

able to enjoy and appreciate

chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and

rhymes, poems and songs,


through performance.
4.3. By the end of the 6-year
primary schooling, pupils will be
able to plan, organize and
produce creative works for

4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with

guidance based on:
b) jazz chants

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