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Texas Gamma Nu Chapter

of Alpha Delta Kappa

District II
April, 2015

Presidents Message
Happy Spring! What an exciting trip I
have had! Peru is a gorgeous country full
of traditions and cultures. The trip to our

school in Juanjui was a moving experience. The people were so appreciative of

Birthday Wishes to:

our giving spirit that it overwhelmed us.

Carolyn Craddock

The school will be such an asset to the

April 4th

town. The community is very poor but their

Carla Vogel

faith is strong and it seems to carry them through. As the quote

April 26th

states, this adventure has opened my mind to the amazing current and ancient people of Peru! Whether your adventures include traveling to far away lands or accepting a position with
Alpha Delta Kappa that opens your mind step out of your comfort zone and try it on for size. I did and have grown beyond

April Meeting
Mon. April 13th @ 4:30 pm
At the home of Robin Miller
5832 Wavertree Ln.
Initiation and Honoring of our Charter Sisters
Update about our school in Juanjui, Peru

Refreshments and Set Up: Scholarship Committee

World Understanding
Facts about Peru
1. There are 4,000 different varieties of potatoes in Peru.
2. Peru is essentially a bicultural society: the part that is indigenous, and the
part that is European-influenced.
3. Favorite foods include quinoa, cuy (guinea pig), Inca Cola, Coca Tea and my
favorite Pisco Sour.

4. Machu Picchu is an engineering marvel, its famous Inca walls have polished
stone fitted to stone, with no mortar in between.

Fraternity Education:
On my trip to Peru I was fortunate to have in my group some

Spotlight a Sister

sisters that are serving on the International Executive Board.

They are wonderful women! I
learned a lot from them about Al-

Mary Spickler

pha Delta Kappa. Their enthusiasm was contagious! They are

true ambassadors for the mission
of Alpha Delta Kappa: to be dedicated to educational excellence,

1. She used to scuba dive.

2. She likes to crochet.

altruism and world understand-


Upcoming Events
April 15th - Postmark deadline for the Regional MiniScholarship applications (for activities taking place between May 15th Nov. 15, 2015) to be received by the Regional Scholarship Programs Committee Chairman.

April 15th Membership Campaign ends.

New member dues and paper work due

Dont forget to send in

your money for the May
Scholarship Dinner at
Blue Mesa!!
Send checks to Jennifer

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