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Contact: Jordan Hamilton

Public Relations Director
Phone Number: (289) 999-9999


Toronto, ON. - March 18, 2015 Technology: up until recently it was the double-edged sword of
the you cant live with it, and you cant live without it variety. Technology has become a defining
factor in Sarah Smiths life. The most mundane task is a struggle for Sarah. Every day she wakes up
with the assistance of her mother, and goes through her morning routine. Something as simple as
brushing her teeth will take Sarah double the time it would take most people her age.
At 26 years of age, Sarah suffers from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Before being
diagnosed with ALS, Sarah graduated from Waterloo University with a degree in software
engineering, and began working at Google Canada. While her mind is sound, her body made it
impossible for her to continue her job. What if there was a solution to Sarahs problems, which
would allow her to work?
Microsoft has created a new system that will help Sarah not only do the once mundane tasks of
everyday life, but also continue working. The Microsoft Outlook 5000 system is the no holds
barred technological answer to life for people from every walk of life. Since the introduction of
Outlook 5000, over 7 million disabled people have been able to do tasks that they once feared were
lost to them.
Microsoft has declared the Outlook 5000 is the everymans computer, with the hopes to make the
daily life in the workplace and at home easy, integrative, and creative. Outlook 5000 is the system

that the world has been waiting for. We made it with every global citizen in mind, with no
exception, explained Microsoft C.E.O. Janet
Kennedy. Kennedy has been an instrumental
part in bringing an accessible computer
technology to the world. Having been the
C.E.O. of Microsoft for the last fifteen years,
Volunteer Adam Smith trying out an Outlook 5000 prototype

she has seen the project through since the beginning stages. She believed it was possible to create a
computer system that would allow for anyone with brain waves to access.
Outlook 5000 uses a 3330 RAM processor in conjunction with psychological methods to allow the
mind and the computer to reach its full potential. By using brain wave technology, the user is able to
do Internet searches, create written documents, and work on graphic visual programs. The computer
also has the technology, which allows the user to speak through the computer. With their own
thoughts, the computer produces the statement accordingly. This is especially life changing for those
who have lost the ability to speak.
Each brain wave is like a fingerprint. It is impossible to change your brain waves or for someone to
gain your unique brain wave. This allows Outlook 5000 users to allow their mind to roam freely
with their computer. It also allows users to create intellectual property that is impossible to be
stolen, because each computer will only work for the main users brain waves (unless additional
brain waves are added by this users).


This is a relief to Outlook 5000 users like Sarah. I was very excited and eager to try the new
technology for work purposes, but feared that my computer software ideas would be stolen, Sarah
explained via her Outlook 5000. She has been using the technology to communicate easily and
freely, finding it to be a true gift for her own communication.
Another champion of the ALS community who has enjoyed the Outlook 5000 system is renowned
academic wonder Stephen Hawking. Hawking has been unable to use computers in the traditional
sense of typing and voice communication since his diagnosis. Outlook 5000 is easily usable and I
firmly believe that it will help people around the world reach their intellectual potential. Having
used many different technologies over my life time to try to best communicate, this is by far the
best, Hawking explained. He also stated, Not only does it give me a voice, but it also allows my
visual thoughts to come to life due to the visual graphic programs. This is a level of creation I never
thought possible.
Microsoft has worked closely with the ALS Foundation, and has started a philanthropic partnership
with the foundation to help provide those in financial need who suffer from ALS gain the Outlook
5000 system. Microsoft is committed to working not only with the ALS foundation, but other
organizations to provide the available technology to those in need.
While Outlook 5000 helps to make the lives of every person easier, it is important to realize the
effects it has on those with life altering disabilities like Sarah. It can allow a person who believed
they would never verbally speak, never visually imagine an image, or never type a document do just


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