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Climate change

Complete the sentences below with the appropriate words.

1) The earth's climate is changing and the world is becoming
2) Climate change is caused by h____________ activities.
3) Petrol, oil, and coal are called f ______________ _________.
4) The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful g__________________
5) One of the main greenhouse gases is __________________
_____________ (CO2).
6) Another harmful gas is called m_________________
7) Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the earth's
8) As a result of the ice melting in the North and South Poles, the sea
l_________ are rising.
9) Climate change can cause an increase in f _______ , h_____________
and d_________.
10) An international agreement on climate change is called the K
_______ P___________.

Ways to preserve our planet

1) To s__________ e___________, turn off lights, television and
computer when not in use.
2) To c____________ water, take short showers and turn off the tap
when brushing your teeth.
3) Don't drive when you can w___________, c________ or u______
public transport.
4) Unplug your mobile phone as soon as it has finished
5) Use rechargeable b____________ instead of throwaway ones
whenever possible.

Turn down the central heating by one or two d______________.

Travel by t_______ or c__________ instead of taking domestic
When on holiday - rent a b__________ rather than a car.

9) When staying in a hotel, turn the l_________ and a_____c__________ off when you leave your room.
10) Instead of throwing things away, reduce garbage by
r______________ as much as possible.

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